Research: Meaning, Types and Characteristics
- In an intervention based on the action research process, the following is the recommended sequence –
- Plan, Act, Observe and Reflect
- Participation in action research has great potential for ensuring the Improvement of the professional as well as work situation.
- This research types has a potential for enhancing teaching experience.
- The paradigm of research which focuses on the development of professional expertise of the researcher-practitioner.
- Col -1 (name of thinkers ) and Col-2(contributions)
- kud popper – falsification
- T.S.Kuhn – the paradigm
- Paul Feyerabend – against the method
- Francis bacon – inductive method
- In Ethnographic Research, the focus of concern is on Studying shared behavior patterns.
- In which type of qualitative research designs individual stories to describe the lives of people are explored?
- Narrative research
- The purpose of qualitative research is to promote a deep, holistic understanding of a phenomenon of interest
- The term ‘phenomenology’ is associated with the process of Qualitative Research.
- Hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon by Avoiding Positivists assumptions and data analysis.
- qualitative research characteristics includes
- Stating the purpose and research questions in a broadway
- Collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals
- Using text analysis and interpreting larger meanings of the findings.
- Narrative research
- Action research is cyclic in nature
- The action sets best represents an action research cycle are Plan, act, observe and reflect
- It is carried out to Improve an existing situation through use of interventions.
- In this research participation one acquires great potential for ensuring the Improvement of the professional as well as work situation.
- Hypothesis testing is the main concept of which type of research?
- Experimental research,
- Experimental and Ex-post facto research focuses on hypothesis testing and generalization.
- Hypothesis testing is the main concept of experimental research.
- Eg. A researcher plans to study the effect of socio-economic status of parents on the school drop-out rate in a district.
- Experimental research,
- In the post positivistic approach to research, the following types of researches got emphasized?
- Phenomenological research,
- Ethnographic research,
- Action research
- the principle associated with positivism includes
- phenomenalism
- deductivism
- Inductive
- the principle associated with positivism includes
- Empirical research in social sciences is associated with Positivist philosophy.
- A university teacher intends to study the relationship between the level of aspiration and achievement of rural children. Which design of research will be most appropriate in the context?
- Ex-post facto research design
- Ex-post facto Method – Probing into the causal factors from the observed effects.
- Effect – Achievement of rural children
- Causal factors – Level of aspiration
- Ex-post facto research design
- The probability sampling procedures are mostly used in the following researches
- survey researches
- experimental researches
- correlation design based researches
- A university teacher plans to improve the study habits of students in his/her class. The type of research paradigm that is helpful is
- action research paradigm
- The action research involves cyclical sequence of steps Plan, act, observe, reflect.
- It improves an existing situation through use of interventions.
- Thus, this paradigm of research which focuses on the development of professional expertise of the researcher-practitioner.
- action research paradigm
- Not the outcome of grounded theory research: Narratives
- To grounded theory, researchers collect data using theoretical sampling until theoretical saturation is achieved.
- This process can be summarized in the following sequences general research question – sample theoretically decided – collect data – analyze data – theoretical saturation
- So it includes Concepts, Categories and Hypotheses.
- Generalizations follow rather than precede the observations
- The two statements from the following statements are correct
- sampling related error is subsumed under the category non-sampling errors
- Inaccurate sampling frame and nonresponse are examples of sampling related errors
- Sampling error decreases with the increase in sample size.
- when the population is finite Systematic Sampling Technique. Eg. A weighing machine that measures the weight of individuals.
- When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population the most suitable sampling method is Stratified Sampling
- This probability sampling techniques will ensure optimum representatives of sample units.
- Inaccurate sampling frame occurs, when the parameters of population are not well defined.
- Not the principle associated with positivism
- Interpretivism
- But it includes
- phenomenalism
- deductivism
- Inductive
- Consistency between data, analysis and interpretation is judged by Quality of a good thesis.
- It helps in Coherence across objectives and findings.
- But it includes
- Interpretivism
- According to one paradigm of research, the following sequence is followed by researchers
- Theory – Generation of hypothesis – Data collection – Data analysis and results – hypothesis confirmed or rejected – revision of theory
- This way of conceptualizing research is based on which of the following
- Deductive approach
- Quantitative research is also called the Structured approach.
- the strongest evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship between independent and dependent variables experimental approach.
- This way of conceptualizing research is based on which of the following
- Theory – Generation of hypothesis – Data collection – Data analysis and results – hypothesis confirmed or rejected – revision of theory
- A college teacher does research with a view to depict the reality situations relating to home conditions of students and hostels provided for. The following format will be helpful to do so?
- participant observation-based research
- Participant observation based research -Emphasizing the access to reality by sharing the perspectives of people
- Participant observation is a part of ethnographic research used in studying shared behaviour patterns.
- participant observation-based research
Methods of research:
- In a research problem ‘studying the effect of teaching methods on the scholastic achievement of boys and girls in terms of their socio-economic background which can be designated as the independent variable
- Teaching methods
- The manipulation of an independent variable and its effect on the dependent variable is examined with reference to a hypothesis under controlled conditions through Experimental research method.
- The main purpose of Experimental research is to formulate generalizations leading to theory building with controls and manipulation of variables.
- A university department plans to undertake its study wherein attitudes, values and biases of teachers and students are to be probed with an eye on disclosing their patterns of adjustments. Which type of research method will be considered appropriate in this context? Correct method is
- case study method
- ethnographic method
- In the post positivistic approach to research, the following types of researches got emphasized phenomenological research, Ethnographic research and Action research.
- In these research methods an empiricism inductive paradigm is employed.
- In such research paradigms the focus of concern is on interpreting reality in terms of participant’s perspective thereby Studying shared behavior patterns.
- In which of the following research methods an empiricism inductive paradigm is employed?
- ethnographic probe
- case study method
- narrative method
- Reasoning from a specific case to a general conclusion is known as inductive logic.
- Any of the non-probability sampling procedures will be appropriate for conducting researches with empirical inductive research paradigm.
- non-probability sampling includes Quota sampling, Purposive sampling, Snowball sampling.
- Beyond the possibility of permutations and combinations.
- Not related to qualitative research analysis – Survey method
- It includes
- Case study
- Discourse analysis
- Thematic analysis
- It includes
- In the context of research surveying method involves Survey, question, read, recall, review
- It’s used commonly in quantitative research paradigm.
- In a qualitative research theme, A researcher reports his/her findings giving weightage to stakeholders’ perspectives. Thereby disclosing reality situation.
- In social science, a central issue is a question the social world can be studied using the methods of natural science. This statement refers to the issue of epistemology -theory of knowledge.
- Epistemology – branch of philosophy that has a direct relevance for deciding transactional strategies of curriculum.
- A posteriori knowledge, knowledge derived from experience is obtained from realistic epistemology.
- Match
- Ontology -realism
- Epistemology – positivism
- Methodology – ideographic
- Method – survey
- To grounded theory, researchers collect data using theoretical sampling until theoretical saturation is achieved. This process can be summarised in the following sequences.
- general research question – sample theoretically decided – collect data – analyze data – theoretical saturation.
- The following activities are performed by the researcher in ethnographic research?
- gets immersed in social selfing for an extended period of time
- listens to and engages in conversations
- Ethnographic research paradigms focus of concern is on interpreting reality in terms of participant’s perspective.
- A university department plans to undertake its study wherein attitudes, values and biases of teachers and students are to be probed with an eye on disclosing their patterns of adjustments.
- The statement that fails to indicate the intent of purposive sampling?
- Purposive sampling is not the fundamental principle for selecting cases and individuals in qualitative research
- In quantitative research, theoretical saturation is a useful principle for making a decision about sample size
- But, there is considerable disagreement about what is an acceptable minimum sample size in qualitative research.
- Purposive sampling places the investigator’s research questions at the forefront of sampling considerations
- Purposive sampling – identifies people with particular characteristics of interest before making any decision on sample size.
- Purposive sampling is not the fundamental principle for selecting cases and individuals in qualitative research
- At the stage of data analysis in which quantitative techniques have been used by a researcher. The evidence warrants the rejection of the Null hypothesis(Ho). The decision of the researcher which is deemed to be appropriate –
- Rejecting the null hypothesis(Ho) and accepting the substantive research hypothesis.
- A null hypothesis is a hypothesis that says there is no statistical significance between the two variables.
- In the context of testing a hypothesis it is only the null hypothesis, that can be tested.
- To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses ANOVA.
- A null hypothesis is when there is no difference between the variables.
- At the data-analysis stage a null hypothesis is advanced to find out the tenability of research hypothesis
- Rejecting the null hypothesis(Ho) and accepting the substantive research hypothesis.
Steps of research:
- The correct order of sequence for reading skills in the context of research?
- Survey, question, read, recall, review
- survey researches uses the probability sampling procedure.
- Survey, question, read, recall, review
- The following sequence correctly reflects a scientific investigation
- observation, conceptualization, theorizing, deduced consequence and method to verify them.
- Observation – Perceiving the problem situation
- Conceptualization – Locating the actual problem and its definition.
- Theorizing – Hypothesizing
- Deducing the consequences of the suggested solution
- Method – Testing the hypothesis in action.
- observation, conceptualization, theorizing, deduced consequence and method to verify them.
- When results obtained in 6 research study can be extended to a group larger than the sample(outside the context of the study) it is called
- External validity
- The degree to which the findings of the study can be generalized to a wider population known as External validity.
- Sample is a treatment group however non-treatment groups are also compared before the study began.
- Sample of participants was not representative in internal validity.
- External validity
- The following sampling methods employed in research the units comprising the sample are given equal and independent chance –
- cluster sampling
- Cluster Sampling is a probability sampling method which ensures optimum representation of sample units
- The probability sampling procedures are mostly used in the following researches
- survey researches
- experimental researches
- correlation design based researches
- cluster sampling
- Set -1(Level of measurement) a Set-2(Properties)
- Nominal – classification
- Ordinal – classification and order
- Interval – classification, order and equal units
- Ratio – classification, order, equal units and absolute zero
- Research tools – Measurement scale
- Questionnaire and interview – Nominal scale of measurement – Frequency Distribution
- Attitude and value test – an ordinal scale of measurement – Median & Rank Correlation
- Intelligent and aptitude test – Interval scale of measurement – Mean, SD & Correlations
- speed and frequency test – ratio scale of measurement – Geometric Mean.
- Set-1 (Research tools )and Set-2 (Measurement Scale)
- Questionnaire and interview – Nominal scale of measurement
- intelligent and aptitude test – Interval scale of measurement
- Attitude and value test – an ordinal scale of measurement
- speed and frequency test – ratio scale of measurement
- The research design is specifically related to the following features in research
- Sample selection
- Formulation of a plan
- Deciding about the tool for data collection
- The following sequences represent the most logical sequence in doing research?
- Identifying and defining a research problem, formulating a hypothesis, testing of hypothesis, and reporting the results
- Statistical test of significance helps a researcher in drawing logically correct inference from the data.
- Steps involved:
- Identifying and defining the research questions.
- research objectives – Postulating relationships among variables to advance a solution.
- Methodology – Defining the population and sampling procedure.
- Collecting data through the use of research tools.
- Data analysis and procedure employed.
- Reporting procedure of findings/ results.
- In which of the following formats research abstract is a must?
- research article,
- seminar paper presented,
- thesis,
- The sampling procedure that will be appropriate for conducting researches with empirical inductive research paradigm –
- Any of the non-probability sampling procedures
- While non-probability sampling are used in phenomenology and action researches.
- The probability sampling procedures such as
- Simple random, Systematic sampling, Stratified Sampling are mostly used in
- the experimental researches and
- survey and
- correlation design based researches
- Simple random, Systematic sampling, Stratified Sampling are mostly used in
- Any of the non-probability sampling procedures
- The following formats ‘chapter scheme’ of the document has to be formally approved by a research degree committee in the university- thesis/dissertation
- Thesis – Systematic prescribed format
- A researcher while writing his/her thesis gives the rationale underlying the use of statistical techniques.
- In which of the following steps of research the scope of creativity and imagination is utmost?
- identifying variables and hypothesizing
- After identifying the different variables and establishing the logical reasoning the theoretical framework, the next step in the research process is to Use experiment in an investigation.
- identifying variables and hypothesizing
- Steps of research –
- problem, review of literature, conceptual framework, results and discussions.
- It includes,
- Identification of research problem
- Listing of research objectives
- Methodology
- Collection of data
- Data analysis
- Results and discussion.
- It includes,
- problem, review of literature, conceptual framework, results and discussions.
- Spotting gaps in the research literature is the chief way of identifying research questions. In this context, ‘spotting gaps’ in the research literature refers to
- Identifying under-researched areas
- Identifying inconsistent findings in an area of research
- A good review of research literature aims at Generating research questions and validating those questions.
- In grounded theory research the research process can be summarized as
- general research question – sample theoretically decided – collect data – analyze data – theoretical saturation
- Common elements of a dissertation
- Introduction; Literature Review; Research Methodology; Results; Discussion and Conclusion.
- A: A researcher can draw a definitive correlation even if there is a little evidence to support it.
- R: Statistical test of significance helps a researcher in drawing logically correct inference from the data
- A is false but R is true
- The major characteristic of correlation analysis is to seek out association among variables.
- The statistical technique which is appropriate for data analysis when the observations are available in the form of frequencies Non-parametric ‘chi-square’ test.
- The Logical sequence in doing research
- Identifying and defining a research problem, formulating a hypothesis, testing of hypothesis, and reporting the results.
- In case the population of the research is heterogeneous in nature the following sampling techniques will ensure optimum representativeness of sample units
- stratified random sampling
- The order of sequence in the process of drawing a random sampling
- Define target population, decide sample size, list all the units of target population and drawing the sample by randomization.
- stratified random sampling
- The following statistical technique will be appropriate for data analysis when the observations are available in the form of frequencies
- Non-parametric ‘chi-square’ test and
- The mean of the sampling distribution of mean is equal to the parametric value of mean.
- It shows the Sample of participants as representative from the population.
Thesis and Article Writing:
- In a thesis ‘formal style of referencing’ have been inappropriately followed this is an example of
- A technical lapse on the part of the researcher
- The basic rules of APA style of referencing format
- Invert authors’ names (last name first)
- Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals.
- Alphabetically index reference list.
- Sharma, V. (2010). Fundamentals of Computer Science. New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill.
- The style of writing a thesis and research article has to be
- scientific in respect of language used
- If a researcher conducts a research on finding out which administrative style contributes more to institutional effectiveness. This will be an example of Applied Research.
- References serve the purpose of Lending authenticity to the given content.
- scientific in respect of language used
- A researcher while reporting his/her research findings gives weightage to stakeholders’ perspectives in a qualitative research theme. This will involve Disclosure of reality situation
- Participant observation based research -Emphasizing the access to reality by sharing the perspectives of people.
- Ethnographic research paradigms focus of concern is on interpreting reality in terms of participant’s perspective.
Application of ICT in research:
- Identify the tests which are maximum performance tests in the context of research
- achievement test,
- Intelligence test,
- aptitude test,
- A common test in research demands much priority on Reliability, Useability, and Objectivity.
- In research, reliability is the quality of a measurement procedure that provides repeatability and accuracy.
- A researcher intends to make use of ICT in his/her research. What consideration should weigh most in such a decision?
- appropriateness of the tool used
- the cost involved in procuring it
- availability of tools in the department where research is to be undertaken.
- The logical sequence of research steps
- Problem formulation, Hypothesis making, Development of a Research design, Collection of data, Data analysis and formulation of generalizations and conclusions.
- Questionnaire is a preferred tool for the study by a researcher is interested in studying the prospects of a particular political party in an urban area.
- Some other popular tools are Rating scale, Interview, Schedule etc,.
- The logical sequence of research steps
- A college teacher presents a research paper in a seminar. The research paper cites references that are pretty old. This situation will be described as the case of
- Inability to update research source
- Research abstract is a must in presenting seminar paper.
- However, In a thesis if ‘formal style of referencing’ is inappropriate then there is a technical lapse on the part of the researcher.
- Inability to update research source
Research Ethics:
- The issue of research ethics is relevant in which of the following stages of research –
- Data analysis and interpretations,
- Hypothesis testing
- Research ethics is Concerned with evidence based research reporting.
- Research ethics includes honesty, integrity and Objectivity.
- A research scholar while submitting his/her thesis did not acknowledge in the preface the help and support of the respondents of questionnaires used. This will be called an instance of unethical act.
- A research scholar finally reporting the research results in the form of a thesis acknowledges the support of his/her supervisor in the preface. This will be treated as a Part of ethicality.
- Research ethics’ is of critical importance in Writing a thesis/dissertation.
- Ethical norms in research do not involve guidelines for thesis format.
- The negative implications for ‘research ethics’ in which related studies are cited without proper references.
- During the stages of research,
- Research ethics’ is of critical importance in the following areas.
- Data collecting
- Data analysis
- Writing a thesis/dissertation
- The factors responsible for the transgression of ethical principle in research
- harm to the participants
- lack of informed consent
- A research scholar finally reporting the research results in the form of a thesis acknowledges the support of his/her supervisor in the preface. This will be treated as a Part of ethicality.
- Noise levels at a traffic site are recorded for one hour at a sampling interval of 1 sec and percentile indices of noise are T20, T40, T60, T80 are compared over the data. The indices are then arranged in increasing order in terms of their values starting from minimum to maximum. The options which represent their correct order?

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