
imD - An Ignorant Mind is a fool's pursuit

Understanding Charts

Types of scatterplot: Markers for conditional formatting: Clusters in scatterplot: Clusters for country: Hidden relation: Visual bar chart: Creating combined axis chart: Ribbon chart: Scale to fit: Small Multiples:

Supply Chain Analytics

Power BI Inventory Management Dashboard: Supply Chain Analytics Modelling in PowerBI: General Calculation: Specific calculation: Revenue vs Revenue by orderDate: Power BI Inventory Management Dashboard: Power BI Inventory Management includes ABC Inventory Classification, XYZ Classification, Inventory Turnover Ratio, Calculation of… Continue Reading →

Sales project

Dashboard for sales analysis

Python Pandas Matplotlib and Seaborne

Descriptive statistics using pandas: These are the three steps we should perform to do statistical analysis on pandas dataframe. Collect the data: To do any statistical analysis, first collection of data is the important task We can store the collected… Continue Reading →

4. Statistics

Hypothesis: Formulating Hypothesis: Steps in hypothesis testing: Null and alternate hypothesis: Types of test: Left tail, Right tail, Two tail test Formulating Hypothesis: Z-test for mean: Z-test for mean1: Hypothesis testing: T-test vs Z-test: T-test: Z-test: Chi-square: Types of error:


TREASURED MEMORIES : Exploring the Significance of Special Encounters From Skepticism to Delight: A Journey

FEAST INDEED “Celebrating the Magic of Shared Experiences” Today was a day etched into the fabric of my memory, a day that shimmered with the promise of something extraordinary. It was one of those rare moments when the universe aligns… Continue Reading →

Understanding AI and Business Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Automation are revolutionizing the way companies operate, enabling tasks to be performed by machines in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. Pro Tip: When implementing AI and Automation, start with small pilot projects to demonstrate… Continue Reading →

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as… Continue Reading →

Finance Project:

Dashboard-2: Get data from Excel to the database: DAX query to highlight highest: Power query to extract Max and min date: Dax measure: Monthly Disbursement for last month: Portfolio at risk: Invalid loans report: Grouping the table based on a… Continue Reading →

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