- The sequence which correctly indicates the order for ensuring teaching-learning activities in a constructivist approach
- engage, explore, explain, evaluate and extend
- In constructivist method emphasis is given on students as creator of knowledge.
- engage, explore, explain, evaluate and extend
- From the list given below identify those competencies of an effective teacher which relates to the domains of personality and attitude
- Locus of control
- Self-efficacy
- Teacher enthusiasm
- Teacher enthusiasm relates to positive attitude to promote learning among students expectation along with one’s previous knowledge of a subject.
- In the context of classroom teaching the foundation on which a warm and nurturing relationship with learners can be built is called teacher affect
- Nurturing relationship with learners also improves the engagement rate that contributes to effective teaching.
- A teacher becomes an effective classroom communicator by understanding his/her own students.
- This promotes autonomous development level of teaching, that leads to a sense of freedom.
- Set-1(Levels of teaching) and Set-2(Focus of concern)
- Autonomous development level – affect and feelings
- memory level – Recall of facts and information
- Understanding Level – seeing of relationships among facts and their examples
- Reflective level – problem raising and problem-solving.
- In which level of teaching lower level of learning outcomes get focussed?Memory level
- The emphasis in-memory level Organization of thoughts and ideas
- Systematic presentations to enable quick reproductions – The sequence of taught makes the student correctly reproduce.
- Mastery of correct sequencing of facts – Students immediately recall the facts taught.
- Non-traditional teaching and learning strategies lay emphasis on
- students need-based resources materials and learning standards.
- Developing skills attitude and values.
- Acquiring knowledge necessary to respond creatively.
- These are the features which makes open universities as non-traditional universities.
- It includes innovative method of teaching and learning.
- Innovative method of admission, curriculum and evaluation.
- Modern communication techniques.
- The statements which differentiate teaching from learning
- teaching is a social act while learning is a personal act
- teaching is like selling while learning is like buying in teaching,
- In teaching, influence is directed towards learning and learner while in learning it is usually towards oneself
- The main purpose of using ICT for classroom teaching is to optimize learning outcomes of teaching.
- Key teaching behavior belonging to the category of effectiveness
- Using meaningful verbal praise to get and keep students actively participating in the learning process.
- Which of the learning outcomes are intended in teaching organized at understanding level –
- seeking of relationships and patterns among facts
- key behavior contributing to effective teaching explains the concepts in a logical step by step presentation.
- Thereby identifying examples of a given concept.
- seeking of relationships and patterns among facts
- The emphasis in-memory level teaching is on which of the following?
- Organization of thoughts and ideas
- Systematic presentations to enable quick reproductions
- Mastery of concept by correct sequencing of facts
- In memory level lower level of learning outcomes get focussed.
- It includes learning facts and rules.
Learner’s characteristics:
- For encouraging ‘learning to learn’ the emphasis on which of the following to be most appropriate?
- Organising teaching to increase opportunity for transfer of learning.
- From the list of learning outcomes indicated below, identify those which are High-level outcomes of learning:
- Showing the ability to analyze and synthesize, articulation and naturalization and organization and characterization.
- Learning of concepts and abstractions is an example of higher-order cognitive learning outcome.
- It requires some of the cognitive characteristics like the ability to analyse and synthesise the information.
- By organising one’s thinking one could also able to articulate the ideas obtained from learning of such concepts.
- Showing the ability to analyze and synthesize, articulation and naturalization and organization and characterization.
- Classroom interactions are influenced largely by
- student’s commitment.
- social interaction among students is result oriented activity in the classroom.
- the best option to ensure a teachers effective presence in the classroom is to promote peer group interaction of the learners.
- It helps in understanding concepts.
- student’s commitment.
- Identify the features of learner’s behavior which are associated with understanding level teaching:
- the student renders facts and information in his/her own words
- the student gives his/her own example in order to explain a point
- the student interprets the meanings in various ways
- The two factors that do not affect the academic performance of students adversely
- Indifferent attitude towards politics,
- Belief in God.
- But which affects the performance includes
- High self – efficacy belief result in Motivation and higher order intelligence.
- Teacher’s low expectation from students.
- But which affects the performance includes
- Academic performance of students is determined by:
- Intelligence
- Motivation
- for the academic success of students it is essential to have cognitive competence.
- In a group setting which of the following factors hinder the creativity of its members?
- Norm to maintain consensus at any cost
- to criticize if somebody’s idea is not correct
- But those which promotes creativity includes
- To think without any fear of being ridiculed
- Not to criticize if somebody’s idea is not correct.
- But those which promotes creativity includes
- Identify the form of education having high potential for providing optimism, self-esteem, and commitment to personal fulfillment, ethical judgment, and social responsibility from the following
- Value education
- Least important for the academic success of students
- legal competence
- Others include
Basis | Description |
Cognitive | Ability to solve abstract problems |
Emotional | Ability to read others facial expression |
Social | Ability to relate to other |
Verbal | Ability to articulate the idea |
- The factor which is a deterrent for the students to do well in higher education:political orientation
- academic strategies
- comprehension ability
- Academic discourse
- Match correctly the items of column I with the items of column II
- Dyslexia – Difficulty in reading
- Dysgraphia – Difficulty in Writing
- Dyscalculia – Difficulty in doing mathematics
- ADHD – Difficulty in concentrating
- which of the following factors have been labeled as ‘social competence’ in influencing learning –
- socio-economic status
- motivation
- emotional well being
- Learner’s level of motivation ensures the effectiveness of teaching.
Factors affecting teaching:
- Values related to organisational ethos
- Team work in the approach
- Productivity of the task
- Humility in dealing with others concern.
- The key behavior in teaching to make an effective teacher?Engagement of students in the learning process
- A teacher should first understand the students inorder to become an effective classroom communicator.
- Thereby contributing to increased levels of students self-esteem, and a positive attitude.
- Therefore teacher adhere to linear patterns of communication by posing questions to check the understanding of students.
- The factors affecting teaching related to positive learning environment in an institution.
- The scope for sharing and discussions within the classroom and the institution as such.
- Frequent use of positive reinforce-rs either in the institution or classroom.
- A: If a teacher wants to improve his or her abilities as an effective classroom communicator he or she should first understand the students
- R: The ability to understand students and intended listening are disjointed proposition
- A is true but R is false
- The key behavior in effective teaching as evident from researches is the improved engagement in learning.
- It facilitates students to do their task.
- By understanding students, teachers contribute to increased levels of students self-esteem, and a positive attitude.
- The following is a key to effective teaching behavior promoting a low error rate (high success) contribute to increased levels of students self-esteem, and a positive attitude
- key behavior in effective teaching as evident from researches is the improved engagement in learning by students to do their task.
- which of the following sequence depicts outcome based curriculum design for college-level teaching program
- desired learning outcomes,
- content,
- teaching-learning assessment, and
- evaluation for a teacher to be effective.
- When the learning outcome of students is ensured with employment of less resources and effort on the part of a teacher and more initiative for self-learning is evident
- Which of the following are classroom related factors that influence the effectiveness of teaching?
- prior task-related behavior of students
- Adherence to linear patterns of communication by the teacher.
- Inappropriate use of technological resources by the teacher
- Behavioral competencies for becoming an effective teachers are
- Communicating
- Managing and monitoring
- evaluating and providing feedback
- Behavioral competencies for becoming an effective teachers are
- Modes of communication can be employed in classroom for effective teaching
- Iconic
- Associational
- Symbolic
- Verbal and non-verbal communication skills of the teacher specify the factors affecting teaching.
- Identify the factors that do not contribute to the effectiveness of teaching
- socio-economic background of the teacher
- teachers skill in pleasing the students
- teachers personal contact with students.
- However subject knowledge of the teacher would influence the effectiveness of communication in classroom instruction in a critical way.
- Not the component of effective teaching –reactive mode of student’s behavior
- However it includes,
- questioning to check for the understanding of students
- Providing students with feedback
- Being flexible about how long it takes to learn
- However it includes,
- The most characteristic feature of an adolescent learner which determines his/her social and moral development is the
- concern for hero worshiping for emulating values and standards
- Adolescent learners are at an active stage of building formal abstractions of learned concepts.
- As the memory functions are more active during early adolescents, there is a tendency to recall information.
- It enables them to build their own values.
- concern for hero worshiping for emulating values and standards
- Set-1 (Behavior modification technique) and set-2(Example)
- Positive reinforcement – the behavior increases in frequency after the presentation of a stimulus
- Negative reinforcement – the behavior increases in frequency after the removal of the stimulus
- Punishment – painful or aversive stimulus is presented to stop the occurrence of a behavior
- Extinction – withdrawal of a pleasant stimulus or application of an aversive stimulus to stop the behavior.
- Engagement of students in the learning process happens by Using meaningful verbal praise.
- In-order to be a stimulant of learning behaviour active participation in the learning process becomes an effective way.
- The following will be considered key teaching behavior belonging to the category of effectiveness?
- making ideas clear to learners who may be at a different level of understanding
- showing enthusiasm and animation through variation in eye contact, voice, and gestures
- Using meaningful verbal praise to get and keep students actively participating in the learning process.
- A: Pedagogy and social interaction are two major result-oriented activities of a teacher
- R: Communication has a limited role in both these activities
- A is true but R is false.
- learner works as team member of the peers so communication plays a significant role.
Methods of teaching in institutions of higher learning:
- The basic requirement of teaching for organizing teaching at reflective level deal with Helping explore and explain problems and their solutions by students.
- The learners today need considerable freedom to explore, enquire and investigate.
- Focus of concern is problem raising and problem-solving.
- So, the basic requirement of teaching is to encourage critical thinking based cognitive interchange at reflective level.
- A teacher tells his students “when you learn this, you will be able to carry out your project’.What does this communication suggest?
- Positive reinforcement
- This behavior increases in frequency after the presentation of a stimulus.
- It is called reward based training.
- Hence,the basic competencies needed for an effective teacher is to stay positive to bring out the intended learning behavior.
- Positive reinforcement
- The following which belongs to the category of learner centered approaches Swayam and MOOC’s.
- A shift in focus from teacher – centric to student-centric education is the best advantage of the Choice Based Credit System.
- Student-Centric Classroom is meant for – Addressing the individual differences.
- The evolution of educational technology support in higher education –
- Textbook supplementation, programmed learning material, Modular material and online methods.
- The purpose of ICT is used in education to Optimize learning outcomes.
- In the spectrum of teaching methods which of the following will be called “dialogue”?
- problem-solving method,
- interactive presentation and
- Tutorials.
- In dialogic presentations involving teachers, students, and the content there is more scope for critical and creative interchange.
- The alternative features which make open universities as non-traditional universities
- Innovative method of teaching and learning
- Innovative method of admission, curriculum and evaluation
- Modern communication techniques.
- Non-traditional teaching and learning strategies lay emphasis on developing skills attitude and values.
- The following contribute to learning mathematical concepts
- real-life events
- assessing the existing mathematical knowledge of the learner before deciding the syllabus
- Narrating the life experience of a mathematician who has given the concept.
- Prior knowledge and experience of learner helps the learner to understand the concept effectively.
- but not teaching mathematics and history together
- In the spectrum of teaching methods which of the following will be called “dialogic”
- problem-solving method,
- interactive presentation and
- tutorials
- Interactive presentation is contributive to direct learning that includes
- simulation and role-playing, participation in workshop and assignments.
- The following teaching method is contributive to direct learning?
- simulation and role-playing
- participation in workshop and assignments
- MOOC’s and Heuristics
- Direct Teaching Methods
- Tutorials, Group discussions, and Question answer sessions
- Indirect teaching Methods
- Interactive presentation
- Team teaching and Lecturing
- Lecturing with or without audio-visuals
- Direct Teaching Methods
Teaching Support System:
- The following types of learning materials the presentations are highly structured and individualized programmed instructional and modular learning material,
- Essential features of personalised teaching in module learning includes self learning, self-sufficient, self evaluation and statements of learning outcomes.
- A: Through On-line teaching a large number of students can be taught by very competent faculty
- R: Online teaching helps students in developing critical thinking more than off line teaching can do
- A is true but R is false
- Only in reflective level of teaching and learning encourages critical thinking based cognitive interchange.
- Study skills and learning techniques
- elaborative interrogation – answering why a fact is true.
- practice testing – testing yourself on the material you are trying to learn
- self-explanation – explaining what a section of text or an example problem means
- Interleaved practice – Mixing different kinds of problems together when studying
- Essential features of module learning includes self learning, self-sufficient, self evaluation and statements of learning outcomes.
- Assertion (A):Use of slang in formal teaching makes communication lively and interesting.
- Reasons (R):Academic decency demands the avoidance of slang in the classroom environment.
- (A) is false, but (R) is true
- Mini-summaries at the end of each class is called Verbal signposting.
Evaluation Systems:
Evaluation System | Descriptive Features |
Formative evaluation | Identifying scope for improvement |
Summative Evaluation | Judging learning standards |
Norm referenced testing | Comparing the students performance with that of others |
Criterion referenced testing | Indicating standards of mastery |
Levels of measurement | Properties |
Nominal | classification |
Ordinal | classification and order |
Interval | classification, order and equal units |
Ratio | Classification, Order, equal units and absolute zero |
- Which of the following evaluation systems belongs to the category of being an innovative practice?
- learning outcome based evaluation and
- In which of the following modes of assessing the potential for increasing intrinsic motivation is optimum?
- Formative assessment based evaluation
- The teacher asks questions to motivate students
- The teacher encourages students to answer
- The teacher provides prompts to help students to avoid incorrect responses.
- Formative assessment based evaluation
- The concept of proximal development related to educational communication was developed by Lev vygotsky.
- Zone of Proximal Development concept explains What a learner can do with help and without help.
- the following types of assessment are conducted periodically with an eye on standards – summative assessment
- Standardized summative assessment are conducted to evaluate performance of learning activity.
- It is also helpful to know the performance appraisal for teachers and institutions.
- The following factors that doesn’t contribute to Assessment bias.
- If assessment procedures are flexible and diverse to make disadvantaged students comfortable.
- In learner centered approach the curriculum is made flexible according to the needs of learner.
- Being flexible is about how long it takes to learn, So to value individual difference of the learners.
- If assessment procedures are flexible and diverse to make disadvantaged students comfortable.
- The type of assessment which is conducted with an eye on standard – Summative assessment.
- Grading the final learning outcome is done through summative evaluation.
- Which among the following is not an alternative to traditional assessment?
- MCQ’s
- Portfolios – For creative and innovative assessment
- Performance test – Standardised summative assessment.
- MCQ’s
- A college teacher conducts a quiz session with a view to accelerating the tempo of motivational participation. This will form part of which type of evaluation?
- formative evaluation
- Formative evaluation identifies the scope for improvement
- the following modes of assessing the potential for increasing intrinsic motivation is optimum – formative assessment based evaluation
- formative evaluation
- In a developing country like India which among the following statements is indicative of challenges in the context of computer-based testing?
- In remote locations availability of computer and electricity is not feasible
- In educational institutions, students usually have group journals/magazines and write in them on a regular basis. The following statements that are the correct method of informal assessment
- As a tool that provides an opportunity for the students to express their thoughts and ideas
- As an opportunity to showcase what they have learned.
- The main purpose of using ICT for classroom teaching is to optimize learning outcomes of teaching
- The compositional skills and creativity in the presentation of students can be most effectively evaluated by the following tests –
- essay type tests
- the following is an example of maximum performance test
- Aptitude tests
- As a teacher one wish to predict the capacity and potential success in any subject.
- The main purpose is to predict or to identify individuals who have the greatest potential for development along special lines or who are likely to profit most by special training.
- Aptitude tests

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