24th Sep_2020 shift -1:
- In using the hypothetico-deductive research paradigm the following sequence is considered appropriate
- Establishing a research problem,
- hypothesis making,
- Hypothesis testing,
- arriving at generalization and conclusion
- The research procedure that figures under post positivist approach – Ethnographic study
- A college teacher plans a research programme in which he/she intends to improve the socio-emotional aspects of his/her classroom climate during teaching. The research method that is considered appropriate
- Action research method
- The following steps in research are least vulnerable to research ethics?
- Identifying the research variables
- Defining the research variables
- Other steps include
- Data collection procedure
- Data analysis procedure
- Reporting research outcomes
- Other steps include
- The personalistic styles of writing a research report are permissible in the following types of research
- Grounded theory research
- Participant – observation research
- Case study research
- Not permissible are
- Historical and
- Experimental research
- Not permissible are
24th Sep 2020 shift -2:
- List- 1 (Scale of measurement) and list-2 (Properties)
- Nominal – Classification only
- Ordinal – classification and order
- Interval – classification, order and equal units
- Ratio – classification, order, equal units and absolute zero
- S-1: All research adds to the corpus of knowledge by advancing a theory.
- S-2: The focus of action research is basically on the amelioration of prevalent practices
- S-1 is false but S-2 is true.
- Arrange the steps in a hypothetico-deductive research in the correct sequence
- Identifying and defining a research problem
- hypothesis formulation and developing a design of research
- Defining the population and drawing a sub-set therefrom
- data collection using appropriate research tasks followed by data analyses
- taking a decision on the substantive research hypothesis via testing of the null hypothesis(H0).
- The sampling techniques in research imply randomization and equal probability of drawing the units
- Stratified sampling
- Cluster sampling
- List- Key research terms and list-2 Description
- Research problems – Research question which has to be answered
- Research hypothesis – a tentative solution or answer to a research
- sample of study – a subset drawn from a defined set or universe
- research tools – devices using which data are gathered
- A teacher proposes to find out the effect of praise and encouragement during a teaching – learning session based on Skinner’s theory of reinforcement. Applied research belongs to this.
25 sep 2020 Shift-1:
- Using an appropriate parametric test in a research project, the researcher finds
evidence to reject the Null hypothesis. In doing so, which type of error is likely?- Alpha error
- Beta error
- Both Alpha and Beta errors
- Neither Alpha nor Beta error
- Alpha error
- Which of the following research is intervention-based, cyclic in nature and improvement focused?
- Action research
- Survey research
- Experimental research
- Case study research
- Action research
- Match List I(Sampling techniques) with List II (Description)
- Simple random sampling -Each unit is given an equal independent chance of being picked up
- Systematic sampling – The k-interval is obtained by N/n and the units are drawn using the same, where N is population size and n is desired sample size.
- Dimensional sampling – The units are identified in terms of various specific features identified before drawing a sample structure.
- Snowball sampling – First member unit is used to identify the second unit and so on.
- Assertion (A): Empirico-inductive paradigm in research focuses on meaning-giving subjective perspectives to depict reality
- Reason(R):The purpose of research in this paradigm is not to arrive at generalizations but to discover the reality as lived
- Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
- A college/university teacher plans to test his/her substantive research hypothesis in a major project. Which of the following statements are considered relevant in this regard?
- Substantive research hypothesis has to clearly specify the relationship among variables
- Research hypothesis may be directed at finding out differential effects or relationships
- The final decision on the research hypothesis may be reached indirectly by deciding the fate of the Null hypothesis
- List- 1 (Methods of estimating the reliability of a test) List -2 (Description)
- Test-retest method – Administering the test in one session with two equivalent halves of the test for correlation.
- Alternate form method – Two or more raters score the test independently
- Split-half method – Administering the same test to the same group at two different sessions.
- Inter-rater method – Administering the two forms of the test to the same group at two different sessions.
- S-1: Reliability is a necessary but insufficient condition for validity
- S-2: In respect of evaluation tools, validity is not an all or none concept but it exists as a continuum
- Both S-1 and S-2 are true
- The method of acquiring knowledge saves time and effort on the part of researcher
- Method of consulting an authority
- Features of qualitative research paradigm
- The research is concerned with understanding the social phenomena from the participant’s perspective
- It is conducted in actual settings as the direct source of data and research is the key instrument
- It is concerned with the process rather than simply outcomes or products
- A researcher administers an achievement test to assess and indicate the possible effect of an independent variable in his/her study. The distribution of scores on the test is found to be negatively skewed. On the basis of this, what can be stated with regard to the difficulty level of the test
- the test is very easy
- A: A researcher has to observe codal formalities at all stages without scope and leeway for offending moral and ethical norms
- R: In respect of data collection, data analysis and interpretation there is however a considerable scope of being ethically vulnerable
- Both A and R true and R s the correct explanation of A.
- The scope for employing ICT support is relatively more in te following stages of research
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- A: A cross break is a numerical tabular presentation of data usually in frequency or percentage form in which variables are cross-partitioned to study relations between them
- R: The categories are set up according to research hypothesis
- Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
- List-1 (Research concepts) and List-2 (Description)
- Hypothesis – a tentative statement indicating relationship between two or more than two variables
- sample – a subset drawn from a larger set to represent it.
- Research tool – Device using which data are collected in research
- Non – parametric tests – it is a statistical test that does not make assumptions about the parameters
- In quantitative research paradigm the sampling methods which are given preference
- Simple random sampling
- Stratified sampling
- Systematic sampling
- The statements that describe the characteristics features of qualitative research paradigm
- researchers had to analyse their data inductively
- data take the form of word or pictures
- actual settings are the direct source of data
- In expost facto method manipulation of independent variables and control of extraneous variables are neither possible nor desirable
- The sampling method in research which are non-probability based
- Dimensional sampling
- Judgement sampling method
- Snowball sampling method
- From the point of view of research ethics the least vulnerable in research
- Problem formulation and identifying the variables involved
- data analysis and interpretation
- Reporting of research result and their implications
- Citing a theory in support of one’s thesis
- Problem formulation and identifying the variables involved
- The features of scientific method
- clearly defined variables and procedures
- empirically verifiable hypothesis
- ability to rule out rival hypothesis
- S-1: Reliability is a necessary but insufficient condition for validity aspect of a research tool
- S-2: Validity is threatened when a test measures only the construct it is designed to measure in a research
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is incorrect
- A university teacher proposes a research project on ‘why parents are apathetic to the university programmes’ The research methods which are most appropriate for the project
- Participant observation method
- The scope for violating research ethics is considered to be relevant in respect of the following stages in a research study
- analyzing and interpreting research data
- reporting the research findings and using the same as a basis for policy formulation
- S-1: Qualitative research is an umbrella term to refer to various research strategies that share certain characteristics
- S-2: The research data collected in qualitative research has been termed soft i.e, rich in description of people, places and conversations
- Both S-1 and S-2 are true
- In cluster sampling methods, units comprising its constituents are groups taken intact rather than individually
- “School principal’s influence on trust: Perspectives of mother’s children with disabilities – Focused group discussion method
- S-1: A research hypothesis is a tentative statement postulating a relationship between factual and conceptual elements of the variables
- S-2: A researcher sets up a null hypothesis so that the deduced consequences of a research hypothesis may be directly tested
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is false
- A university teacher plans to study the performance of students in implementing specific projects in-terms of their creative level
- In ex-postfacto method of research it is appropriate
- The features of research which are associated with qualitative-inquiring
- Actual settings as the direct source of data
- concern with process rather than simply with outcomes
- Concerned with what are called participant perspectives
- The characteristics of a good research hypothesis
- amenable to empirical verification
- Conceptual clarity in defining the variables
- plausibility of relationships postulated
- A research scholar while writing his/her thesis uses ICT at various stages of research conducted. He/she justifies the conceptual errors in interpreting results attributing the same to the specific ICT devices. This will be labelled as technical incompetence.
- S-1: Action research is cyclic in sofar as it involves ‘Plan-Act-Observe_reflect’ Cycle
- S-2: The purpose of action research is to develop a theory to explain causal relationship among variable
- S-1 is correct while S-2 is incorrect
- S-2: The purpose of action research is to develop a theory to explain causal relationship among variable
- A university teacher administers a self-made test for summative evaluation of his/her students. The distribution of scores of students is found to be positively skewed
- Inference about the difficulty level of the test – The test is difficult for the students
- A college teacher intends to find out as to what extent student involvement in learning of boys and girls from rural/urban areas is attributable to the socio-economic status of the family from which they hail. Independent variable in this research project Socio-economic status of the family.
- A research scholar finds through statistical analysis that the value of ‘t’ is significant. Decision warranted on the basis of hypothesis
- The null hypothesis should be rejected
- The research hypothesis should be accepted
- The characteristics of a good sample in a research
- representative of population characteristics
- precision and accuracy in approximating the parameters
- Freedom from bias
- S-1: In research, formulation of policies for admission tests /screening cannot neglect the constitutional provisions
- S-2: While awarding research degrees the minorities quota have to be protected in the interest of equity
- S-1 is correct S-2 is incorrect.
1st oct 2020-sift-2:
- The research method which focuses on establishing causal relationships with controls among variables – independent, moderator and dependent is called experimental method.
- Identify sampling procedures in which units are chosen giving an equal and independent chance
- Stratified sampling procedure
- Random sampling procedure
- systematic sampling procedure
- Steps in the scientific method
- Felt need which is creating the problem
- Identifying the difficulty and problem statement formulation.
- Hypothesis making by identifying the variables
- Collection of data using appropriate research tools .
- Data analysis and interpretation.
- S-1: Qualitative research paradigm emphasizes participant perspectives and uses an empiric-inductive approach
- S-2: In the same research project, it is neither possible nor desirable to use both qualitative and quantitative research paradigms
- S-1 is correct But S-2 is incorrect
- The characteristic features of the quantitative research paradigm
- It is hypothetico-deductive
- It lays stress on generalization to the population characteristics
- It emphasizes numeric data from a larger number of people.
9th Oct-shift-1:
- S-1: A research hypothesis is a conjectural statement postulating the relationship among variables with a view to advance solution to the problem of the study
- S-2: The non-probability sampling procedure provides the best estimate for the population parameter
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is false
- There is considerable scope for violation of research ethics
- Data interpretation
- Reporting of research results
- Using research tools prepared by others
- In experimental method, of research the independent variable is manipulated to observe and measure its effect on dependent variable
- In a research project using triangulation approach the following can form a part of investigation on studying “parental participation, attitude and problems”
- Interview
- Observation
- Focused group discussion
- The following research forms aims primarily at putting to use the theoretical advances with an eye on exploring the potential for generalisability?
- Applied research
- List-1 (Various methods of research) and List-2 (Description)
- Experimental method – studying the effects of manipulating independent variable on dependent variable under appropriate control imposed
- Expost facto method – Conducting a probe into causal factors on the basis of evidence manifest now
- Descriptive survey method – conducting a probe into causal factors on the basis of evidence manifested now
- Ethnographic method – studies designed to obtain information concerning the current status of phenomena
- The features that best describes an independent variable in research
- It is the cause in the cause-effect relationships
- It is the condition or characteristic which is manipulated in an experimental study
- When a particular statistics in a research situation is evidently declared to be significant. The following decision is considered to tenable
- Null hypothesis is rejected
- alternative hypothesis is accepted
- A: Data must be authentic before it can be of any value in a historical research, yet proof of authenticity does not establish its value it must also be accurate
- R: external criticism is therefore referred to as lower criticism of data
- Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation
- S-1: Chance or accidental errors in research will cause obtained results to depart from the true value as often in one direction or in another
- S-2: Systematic errors causes obtained results in research to vary in a particular direction and is far more likely to catch the researcher by surprise than is chance error
- Both S-1 and S-2 are correct
- In which scale of measurement, classification order and equality of units are ensured
- Interval
- The argument which is advanced in support of action research in education
- the educational situation as well as the practitioner of education undergo a change for the better
- the critical difference between experimental and ex-postfacto research lies in terms of
- control and manipulation of independent variable
- In establishing a research problem for a Ph.D level course in the initial stage which of the following stages are crucial
- Defining the population of research and its characteristics
- selecting a pointed issue called a problem by a process of logical analysis
- defining and delimiting the problem
- Non-probability sampling procedures
- quota sampling
- purposive sampling
- snowball sampling
- S-1: The goal of inquiry in fundamental research is directed at bringing an increment in the fund of knowledge
- S2: Action research is a research by the practitioner for the practitioner and of the practitioner
- Both S-1 and S-2 are correct
4th Nov-shift-1:
- A: Research ethics mandates use of appropriate and authentic procedures to arrive at truth and advancing solutions to problems
- R: Credibility of research is not only a prized goal but a prerequisite of excellence in human pursuit
- Both A and R correct and R is the correct explanation
- List-1 (Qualitative research perspectives) and list-2 (Questions addressed by them)
- ethnography – What is the culture of this group of people?
- Heuristics – what is my experience of this phenomenon?
- Phenomenology – What is the structure and essence of experience of this phenomenon for those people?
- Symbolic interactionism -What common set of symbols and understandings have emerged to give meaning to people’s interaction?
- a college teacher intends to study the problems of latecomers in the classroom. The sampling method which is appropriate in this context is Purposive sampling
- The activities which take place during the stage of reconaissance in action research
- Describing the facts of the situation
- explaining the facts of the situation
- a teacher intends to establish the relationship between educational status of parents and the scholastic achievement of pupils. Expostfacto method of research which is considered appropriate for the study.
4th Nov-shift-2:
- S-1: In a classroom assessment a teacher finds that the distribution of students score is positively skewed. Hence, the mean of scores will be greater than median and median will be greater than mode
- S-2: When the distribution of students score is found to be normal, all the three measures of central tendency coincide.
- Both S-1 and S-2 are correct
- A: Research ethics is a must in order to lend credibility to the research findings and their use in authentic situations
- R: Application of ICT in research vouches for credibility of research results
- A is true but R is false
- S-1: The population in research means a defined aggregate of something which is the focus of the study
- S-2: A sample is a sub-aggregate drawn from a defined aggregate to represent it
- Both S-1 and S-2 are correct
- The key features of qualitative research
- actual settings as the source of data
- data take the forms of words or pictures
- Concerned with participants perspective.
- The research method which employs internal and external criticisms for shifting as evidences and data
- Historical method
- The research focuses on enhancing the corpus of knowledge in a given field – Fundamental research.
- S-1: In research, ‘Null hypothesis’ when rejected offers the scope for accepting the alternative or substantive research hypothesis
- S-2: When the null hypothesis is rejected, there will be chances for committing ‘Beta’ rather than alpha error
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is not
- Identify the probability sampling procedures
- Stratified sampling
- Cluster sampling
- Systematic sampling
- Identify the qualitative research characteristics from following
- exploring a problem and developing a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon
- Having the literature review play a minor role but justifying the problem
- Collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals
- Quantitative instruments are used to numeric data from large number of people which helps in the description of trends.
- When the independent variable is explored rather than manipulated to observe te effect on dependent variable, the method of research is called
- Ex-post facto method
- Scientific methods are used in empirical researches.
- S-1: When we perform an experiment, then the set S of all possible outcomes is called the sample space
- S-2: Any super set of a sample space is called an event.
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is false
- S-2: Any super set of a sample space is called an event.
- A researcher intends to find out the differences in motivational outlook of first degree level students in-terms of their belongingness to rural/urban areas and the educational status of parents. The dependent variable in this study Motivational outlook.
- A: Research ethics and its observance is necessary in the interest of credibility and quality of research
- R: The policy making bodies have to be accountable for pursuing research with an eye to promote excellence
- Both A and R true and R is the correct explanation of A
- S-1: Fundamental research is directed at exploring the applicability of truths and principles already established
- S-2: Action research aims at ameliorating the ongoing conditions and practices
- S-1 is incorrect but S-2 is correct
- A college principal conducts an ethnographic probe into the problems faced by tribal students. Cluster sampling is the most appropriate.
- Identify the non-probability sampling procedures
- quota sampling
- Snowball sampling
- Dimensional sampling
- In the following methods of research, hypothesis are usually implied rather being explicit?
- Historical method
- A: For ensuring successful teaching-learning systems both norm-reference testing and Criterion reference testing procedure for interpretation of scores have to be synthesized
- R: Parents and educational administrators along with the students themselves need to know the status of accomplishment in-terms of laid down criteria and relative positions of the participants Vis-a-vis of others
- Both A and R true and R is the correct explanation of A.
- Identify the features of qualitative research
- Researcher becomes immersed in the situation present or past
- It develops context based generalisation
- It uses an emergent research design
- List-1 (Sampling Method and List-2 (Description)
- Stratified sampling – Every unit has independent and equal chance of being picked up
- Cluster sampling – The units are groups and are chose intact
- Systematic sampling – the members are selcted using interval obtained by N/n – the N = Aggregate, n = desired sub-aggressive
- Dimensional sampling – the units/members are chosen to represent various areas of characteristics so defined
- S-1:Every research institute has to enforce research ethics inorder to ensure credibility and meaningfulness of human inquiry
- S-2: ICT and its use in research has abetted ethical lapses in conduct of research wherever it has been put in place
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is incorrect
- A: The purpose of research is also to revisit the situations in a bid to ensure needed amelioration and improvement
- R: Action research is a format of research which is basically directed at bettering the situations
- Both A and R true and R is the correct explanation of A
- S-1: Qualitative research is an umbrella term to refer to various research strategies that share certain characteristics. The data collected have been termed ‘soft’ i.e rich in description
- S-2: Quantitative research is mainly hypothetico-deductive and employs mostly statistical techniques for data analysis
- Both S-1 and S-2 are correct
- A: In-order to bridge the gap between theory and practice both fundamental and applied research formative have to be promoted
- R: Fundamental research focus on theory making and applied research is directed at exploring the applicability of theory in varied practical situation
- Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
- Non-probability sampling methods are
- Judgement sampling
- Snowball sampling
- Quota sampling
- In conducting an empirical study, a researcher employs a non-parametric test for data analysis and finds that the statistics arrived at is significant at 0.05 level. Decision warranted will be
- Rejecting the null hypothesis
- Accepting the alternate hypothesis
- There is greater flexibility in both the methods and process of research
- ethnography and phenomenology
- A researcher reports his/her research finding to the research audience in such a way that his/her personal views are necessarily getting supported. This would involves issues relating to Scientific rigour.
- Application of ICT in research is relevant in which of the following stages?
- Survey of related studies
- Data Analysis
- Indexing the references
- The qualitative research designs
- Exploring common experiences of individuals to develop a theory
- Exploring the shared culture of a group of people
- Exploring individual stories to describe the lives of people.
- Match List I(Key terms used in Research) with List II (Description of Terms)
- Hypothesis – A tentative statement indicating potential solution of the problem of the study.
- Sample – A subset drawn from a defined set
- Research Design – Conceptual framework for conducting research
- Research Tool – Techniques used for collection of facts and information.
- Which of the following shows the correct sequence in undertaking Action Research based studies?
- Planning, Acting on the plan, Observing and Reflecting
- The research form which will be an appropriate fit for improving efficacy of formative assessment would be
- Action research
- Inappropriate application of ICT in research
- absence of technical expertise of ICT resources
- Violation of research ethics
- Inadequate provision of ICT resource
- technical lapse on part of researcher
- absence of technical expertise of ICT resources
- In which research design, the independent variable is selected rather than manipulated
- Ex-post facto research design
- When a research rejects the ‘null hypothesis’ (H0) in his/her study and accepts an alternate hypothesis (H1)Type 1 error is likely.
- A university teacher conducts research study where lecture-cum demonstration method is used to assess the effect on student’s level of participation in-terms of the socio-economic status of their family and its habitat. The independent variable used in the study is Lecture cum demonstration method.
- Set-1 (Terms used in research) and Set-2 (Description)
- A postulate – it is the statement of the principle assumed in the absence of direct evidence.
- A construct – though not directly observable is considered to exist
- Variable – it is something which can change either quantitatively or qualitatively
- Systematic error – it causes obtained results to vary in a particular direction
- Set-1(Types of research) and Set-2( Description)
- Fundamental research – adding to corpus of knowledge by formulating theory
- Applied research – Exploring the applicability of truths /principles to new situations
- Action research – intervention based ameliorative moves
- Case study research – In-depth study which focus on typicalities
- In experimental research method, manipulation and control of variables and randomization of sample are two basic requirement
- The sequence which correctly represents the steps of research using a quantitative paradigm
- Establishing a research problem
- hypothesis framing
- hypothesis testing
- generalisation and conclusions
- Implication of results
- In terms of research ethics, the most vulnerable stage
- data anlaysis, interpretation and reporting of results
- ICT application in research is most useful for
- For enhancing the scope of accessibility of research data
- The scope and potential for controversy is relatively more in terms of application of ICT and research ethics in the following steps
- In data analysis and reporting research results
- The personalized and contextualised references are permissible in Ethnograpahic researches
- In choosing a research tool the important considerations are
- validity of research tool
- reliability of research tool
- cost involved in-terms of time and resources of research tool.
- A university teacher wants to study the relationships between socio-economic status and achievement motivation of graduates enrolled for computer science. Appropriate research method is Ex-postfacto research method
- Second level research is the research wherein the focus of concerns is the exploration of applicability of theories to newly emerging practices and domains of knowledge.

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