24th Sep_2020 shift -1:
- In communication process, when the sender and the receiver interchange their roles in respect of sending and receiving the message it is called
- transaction model
- In a classroom situation, a teacher organizes group discussions to help arrive at a solution to a problem. In terms of a model of communication used, it will be called a transactional model.
- transaction model
- A teacher who encourages students participation in communication will ensure
- self -esteem
- Class performance
- Professional development
- Communication presupposes a shared, symbolic environment, a social relationship even among participants
- In carrying out such communication practices one stays Motivated, organised and participative.
- In a classroom, communication becomes effective when participants are active, empathetic and homophilous.
- The immediacy of feedback essential for good classroom communication favors classroom participation.
- A: In group discussion, some participants enter the fray with big chips on their shoulders
- R: These are antagonistic people who are calm and listed
- A is correct R is not
- List-1 (Communication barrier ) and list-2 (Description)
- Physical – In-audible voice
- Psychological – Pre-disposed notion
- Language – Different understanding
- Cultural – Stereotypes
- The semantic barrier of communication is implied when the receiver does not understand the meaning of the message
- focused listening helps to overcome communication barriers
- Simple language and easy construction of sentences helps to overcome communication barriers
- When communication for educational purpose takes place the sequence of elements is
- Source
- Encoder
- Message
- Decoder
- Feedback
- Using media to improve the quality aspect of the reception of the message for structuring classroom communication
- the correct sequence of decoding process of communication in the classroom –Sensory involvement, Interpretation, Evaluation, Feedback.
- The correct sequence of the elements after decoding in the later part of communication process are Feedback, environment, Context and Interference
- Communication involves the use of all 5 senses that determines human behavior for the exchange of information
24th Sep_2020 shift -2:
- When communication enhances the interaction of learners it is Psychological
- Classroom communication is
- Goal oriented and
- collaborative
- A: Allowing an issue to fester will contribute to effective communication
- R: A good communicator will address an issue in the classroom before it becomes precarious
- A is false but R is true
- list-1 (communication barriers) and List-2 (Description)
- Semantic – faculty message
- Psychological – Poor retention
- Personal – lack of time
- Physical -lack of physical clarity in channel
- S-1: signs and symbols have internal relations to produce meanings
- S-2: This is possible because of a network of signs through such relations
- Both S-1 and S-2 are true
- The concept ‘fraction of selection’ in classroom communication is determined by the expectation of reward related to
- efforts needed
- Efficacy of written communication depends on
- Editing after writing
- Brevity in sentences
- effective use of words
- A: It is the responsibility of the teacher to make students active listeners with the help of different interactive techniques
- R: In teacher-centric communication students tend to become passive listeners
- Both A and R true and r is the correct explanation of A
- List-1 (Type of communication) and list-2 (Characteristics)
- intra-personal – Within oneself
- Inter – personal – between groups
- Group – within a small organisation
- mass – large number of unknown audience
- S-1: Personality conflicts in a classroom situation are a barrier to effective interaction
- S-2: Impersonal communication is invariably considered the best solution in a classroom environment
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is false
- The domain of media appeal address the issue related to
- emotions
- communication through any medium happen through the attitude of intruders.
- emotions
- The following makes a student a good listener in the classroom
- Concentration
- Desire to understand
- Humility to know
- A: Pedagogy and social interaction are two major areas of activity of teachers
- R: It is communication that is crucial for making both the activities important
- Both A and R true and R is the correct explanation
- List-1 (Types of listeners) and list-2 (Characteristics)
- Poor listeners – fidget repeatedly
- aggressive listener -scare others
- Passive listener – easily agree with the speaker
- Pseudo – listeners – listen to ideas but no emotions behind
- The chronological order of the educational communication ventures
- krishi darshan
- gyan vani
- gyan dharshan
- vyas
- When communication meets the aims and objectives of classroom teaching it becomes
- Functional
- Psychological barriers to effective communication
- inattentiveness
- too much reliance on the written word
- limited retention
- A:Human touch in communication enables students to become participatory
- R: In a technology, driven classroom environment, the communicative role of a teacher is secondary
- A is true but R is false
- List-1(types of communication) and list-2 (Characteristics)
- Vertical – top-down
- Horizontal – rumor oriented
- Circular – feedback oriented
- Transactional – inter-personal
- S-1: Persuasive communication by a teacher in the classroom is intended to make his.her version of information acceptable to students
- S-2: If it happens at the institutional level the purpose behind is image building
- Both S-1 and S-2 are true
- S-2: If it happens at the institutional level the purpose behind is image building
- Communication stimuli used to convey the message are known as
- Codes
- Communication activities of learners fall into domains consisting of
- Perception
- Inter-personal skills
- Inter-personal relations
- A: New media enhance the opportunities to expand the learning environment unheard of before
- R: Learners can design their own learning process
- Both A and r correct and R is the correct explanation
- The sequence of elements in linear model of communication
- encoder
- Message
- Medium
- noise and
- Decoder
- List-1 and List-2
- Poor listeners – fidget compulsively
- Aggressive listeners – scold others
- Positive listener – easily agree with the speaker
- Pseudo-intellectual listeners – listen to ideas not understanding emotions
- List-1 (Types of communication )and list-2 (Description)
- Dyadic communication -Provides equal opportunity to communicate
- Public communication – Occurs within a formal and structured setting
- Organisational communication – Message flow through a network of inter-dependent relationships
- Mass communication – Uses a medium to each large number of anonymous audience
- The chronological sequence of institutions of educational communication is
- UGC – Countrywide classroom
- Gyanvani
- S-1: In a classroom, every teacher has to perform the gate keeping function
- S2: Every teacher in any higher educational institution should act as the moral custodian of students, both inside and outside of it
- S-1 is correct but S2 is false
- In both mass communication and classroom communication, filtering of information and contents is referred to as Gatekeeping
- The most prominent elements in the management of communication in an educational institution
- Structuring work roles
- keep others informed
- guiding others wherever possible
- Because of new media learning is no longer an assembly of
- facts
- Shifting technologies and communication institutions contribute to System integration
- The positive impact of communication depends upon
- Planning
- Media selection
- Use of language
- A: Universality of communication makes education vital and vibrant
- R: Semiotic narration does not lend itself credence to make it an efficient mode of teaching
- A is correct R is not correct
- The chronological sequence in the development of communication system is
- Cave painting
- emergence of language
- Interpersonal communication (Verbal)
- Appearance of printing technology
- Telecommunication system
- List-1 (Example and List-2 (Type of communication)
- addressing the nation over national TV network – Mass communication
- Conducting a workshop for a select number of teachers – group communication
- Internal conversation with fellow workers – Horizontal communication
- Recollection of past events – Intra personal communication
- Re framing in communication means
- employment of new metaphors
- The following contribute for effective cross-cultural communication
- Selection of simple words
- Taking turns to speak
- Maintenance of etiquette
- S-1: Cross communication promotes team work in the classroom
- S-2: Exactness of communication in a cross cultural setting is flexible and responsive
- S-1 is incorrect but S-2 is true
- The emergence of media communication in chronological sequence is
- Newspaper
- Film
- Radio
- Television
- Internet
- List-1 and List-2
- Prayer in silence – Inter-personal communication
- Teacher talking to students outside the classroom – group communication
- The CEO of a company issues a circular to his subordinates – vertical communication
- Rumor mongering among employees of an organisation – Grapevine
- In communication interpretation of message depends upon
- The context
- The factors important in communication
- framing
- Priming
- Immediacy
- The sequence of cultural institutions in communication is
- family
- school
- religion
- Mass media
- A: Giving orders to students in the classroom is a specific form of communication
- R: The manner of orders depends on the cultural background of the students involved
- Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
- Language is inseparable from the culture which is its very source of sustenance and fundamental to communication.
- List-1(Examples and List-2(Types of communication)
- Meaningless sounds and words – para linguistic
- traffic light signals – Non-verbal communication
- Words that have different meanings – polysemy
- Two persons exchanging greetings – dyadic communication
9th Oct-shift-1:
- Poor listening by the audience leads to
- Inaccurate inference
- List-1 authors and list-2 Communication concepts
- Aristotle – speaker centered communication
- Shannon and weaver – top-down linear communication
- Wilbur schramm – circular communication
- David berlo – SMCR- Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver
- The chronological sequence of the following countries opting for educational broadcasting channels
- The united states
- Great Britain
- Canada
- Australia
- India
- S-1: Free and unlimited use of non-verbal cues enhance the communicative aspects of classroom teaching
- S-2: A pleasant persona of the teacher enlivens the classroom ecosystem
- S-1 is incorrect but s-2 is correct
- Consequence of classroom communication are
- learning as satisfying pursuit
- enabling students to achieve goal
- positive learning outcomes
- Cognitive dissonance in classroom communication is the result of
- Chaotic conditions
- The major communication barriers to online teaching
- technology
- culture
- gender
- S-1: Aggressive and inflammatory statements by the teacher make the classroom communication academically effective?
- S-2: Choice of appropriate words lends credence to classroom communication process
- S-1 is incorrect but S-2 is true
- The correct sequence of media production process
- Planning
- Content preparation
- Production
- transmission
- Feedback analysis
- List-1 (Examples of communication ) and list-2 (Types of communication)
- Sending e-mail – formal
- verbal instruction – Informal
- exchange of information between two groups of people – transactional
- traffic signals – semiotics
- Announcement of arrival and departure of trains at railway station is
- Public communication
- Factors that contribute for effective classroom communication
- Balanced flow of words
- circular flow of messages
- Mechanism to assess the feedback
- S-1: The content and style of communication are the predictor variables of effective teaching
- S-2: A good and communicative teacher evokes relatively less questions from the students
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is false
- The correct sequence of the following transmissions
- Telegraph
- telephone
- Broadcasting
- Narrow casting
- pod casting
- List-1 (Examples of communication) and List-2 (Types of communication)
- A company boss telephones his/her secretary for some help from outside – Informal communication
- A company issues a circular of guidelines for its employees -Vertical communication
- employees discuss certain issues among themselves – Horizontal communication
- a company sends a formal letter to its retailers and wholesalers – Marketing communication
4th Nov-shift-1:
- The following is essential in classroom communication
- Frequent repetition of message in different ways
- Classroom communication involves
- Formal lecturing
- Informal discussion
- explaining
- A: to be effective in the classroom, a teacher should minimize the communication barriers
- R: Since communication is a complex process, regular feedback analysis is essential for this purpose
- Both A and R correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
- R: Since communication is a complex process, regular feedback analysis is essential for this purpose
- List-1(Modes of communication) and List-2 (Description)
- Publicity – Non-commercial promotion
- Propaganda – communication with motives
- Advertising – Paid message
- Public relations – reputation management
- The correct chronological sequence of the developers of communicative systems
- Sumerians
- Romans
- Chinese
- Germans
- British
4th Nov-shift-2:
- Immediacy of cues in communication is dependent upon one’s own
- Cultural background
- The methods which helps to improve academic communication
- training individual students in communication skill
- restricting too much generation of information
- recognizing cultural and linguistic difference among students
- A: Verbal communication takes place in real time
- R: written communication is synchronous in character as it appears at different intervals
- A is true but R is false
- The correct sequence of the emergence of the following publications:
- News sheets
- News book
- Standard newspaper
- tabloids
- Broad sheets
- List-1 (systems of communication) and list-2 (Focussed elements)
- Western – Rhetorical devices
- Indian – emotional variants
- Buddhist – non-competitive and co-operative
- Chinese – Co-existence of binary oppositions
- The entry of new media has made online learning
- Independent
- Removal of communication barriers in a classroom will result in
- Clear enunciation of specific instructional behaviours
- a climate of purposeful student interaction
- A: Repeating more and more the same message will make it important
- R: Dont use two words when one will do is the guiding principles that work
- A is not correct but R is correct
- Identify the correct sequence of phases in communication development
- cave paintings
- development of languages
- wooden blocks for printing
- Acta diurna
- metal printing
- List-1 (Mode of communication) and list-2 (Type of communication)
- one to one – inter personal
- one to many – Mass communication especially print
- Many to many – network (Transactional)
- One to none – Intra-personal
- Distance in interpersonal communication is indicative of one’s
- Culture
- The correct sequence of the elements in the later part of communication process after decoding
- Feedback
- environment
- Context
- Interference
- List-1 (Type of media) and List-2( example)
- Synchronous media – Telephone
- Asynchronous media – E-mail
- Rich media – interactive multi-media
- Hyper media – Application of multimedia
- A: effective communication align appearance with body language and tone
- R: Such an alignment forms part of the art of persuasion
- Both A and R correct and R is the correct explanation
- Contribution to positive influence on teacher student communication
- persuasive attitude
- acknowledging participation
- Fostering a sense of belonging
- The impact of classroom communication should be so regulated that it should result in
- exchange of ideas and information
- In a classroom, the following limitation is easy to talk about something we do not want to
- Working memory
- Conscious awareness
- Yes tags
- S-1: A straight forward admission of one’s own limitations is acceptable in an academic eco-system
- S-2: Sweet corporate talk tends to en mask the weakness of a teacher and makes him/her popular in the long run
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is false
- The correct sequence of selectivity stages in mass communication
- Exposure
- attention
- Perception
- retention
- attitudinal change
- List-1(Activity) and List-2(Function)
- Non-verbal communication – Occupies more space of personal communication
- Listening – help internalize messages
- empathetic conversation – seeing things from others viewpoint
- stress management through communication – reflects confidence in one’s own self
- Th following is considered as an effective form of verbal communication
- Story telling
- The following are useful in positive components of classroom communication
- empathy
- punctuality
- Follow-up
- S-1: Interactive and multimedia systems provide for a new culture of teaching and learning
- S-2: Virtual classroom convert students into senseless humanoids
- S-1 is correct but S-2 is false
- The sequence of stages of message processing
- Perception
- Understanding
- selection
- Internalization
- Action
- List-1 (Medium) and list-2 ( Example for description)
- Newspaper – Broadsheet
- Radio and television – broadcasting
- social media – networking
- Multimedia – Audio, video and graphics
- The concept of entropy as used in communication is related to Order.
- Given below are two statements. one is labelled Assertion (A) and the other is labelled Reason (R).
- Assertion (A): Depending upon the classroom situation, some media of communication are more effective than others.
- Reason (R): Selection of a medium is directly related to the nature of the message for students
- Both A) and R) are true and R) is the correct explanation of A)
- Structured classroom communication can be categorized as Group communication.
- For effective communication inside a classroom. a teacher should embark upon Listener analysis.
- Communication skills of students can be improved by
- Exposure to new technology
- Fostering critical thinking
- Discriminant use of vocabulary
- A: While communicating with students a teacher should go beyond what is prescribed
- R: Non-verbal cues definitely convey what is intended by the teacher
- Both A and R are true and R is the not the correct explanation
- Successful communication inside the classroom depends on
- Describing the theme
- Use of persuasive words and phrases
- Clarity in explanations offered
- If a teacher considers his or her students ill-informed teacher’s behavior is described as
- Pluralistic ignorance
- When the classroom communication is circular, the teacher encoder will be a/an
- Active decoder
- Communication begins usually with
- Pictures in the mind
- The key to effective listening by students in classroom is
- Empathetic learning
- Communicated message is considered as an
- Social product
- Semantic noise in classroom communication can be limited by avoiding the use of
- Cliched jargon
- Useful in overcoming the communication barriers in classroom
- identifying the level of redundancy
- Voice in-flexion
- Contextualizing the speech
- A: Skill of oration coupled with wit and humour make classroom communication compelling
- R: Rhetorical intervention do not make classroom communication purposeful
- A is true but R is false
- It is preferable to start the classroom communication with
- Anecdotes
- A good classroom talk should help develop
- Summary sentences
- a good written communication will have
- An intended purpose
- Dynamics of efficient communication
- Balancing interactive and static elements
- brainstorming procedure
- Understanding learners sociometry
- A: For impact of communication, the individual students must be considered as a product of common use
- R: Effective teachers normally attempt to identify the general characteristics of learners to communicate with them
- Both A and R correct and correct explanation of A

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