24th Sep_2020 shift -1:

  1. In which level of teaching the learner gets an opportunity to discriminate at length between positive and negative examplars of concepts?
    1. Understanding level
  2. During teaching a teachers statement that encourage students to elaborate on an answer either their own or that of others will be called 
    1. Probing
  3. The following will be called behavioral rather than “attitude and beliefs” related competencies for becoming an effective teacher?
    1. Communicating
    2. Managing and monitoring
    3. evaluating and providing feedback
  4. From the following list of methods of teaching used in institutions of higher learning identify those which are learner centered
    1. computer aided instruction
    2. simulation and role playing
  5. List-1 and list-2
    1. Formative evaluation – The interaction of using it is to identify scope and potential for improvement
    2. summative evaluation – it’s intention is to judge learning standards
    3. criterion referenced test – Standards indicative mastery
    4. Norm- referenced test –  percentile rank and standard scores are used for reporting


  1. The phrase T-L method of teaching implies
    1. Teaching and learning are integrally related acts
  2. From the following list of learner characteristics those associated with the field independent learners
    1. focuses on facts and principles
    2. prefers and likes to compete
    3. can organise information by himself or herself
  3. Style related competencies of an effective teacher
    1. organised demeanor which means being orderly, clear and in control
    2. Flexibility which means being sensitive and lenient
  4. A: Use of ICT is justified during teaching with a view to optimise learning outcomes
    1. R: Learning outcomes are contingent on use of ICT during teaching
    2. A is correct R is not


  1. In the spectrum of teaching methods, those which are considered dialogic?
    1. Tutorials
    2. Group discussion
  2. The factors contributing to school learning are termed as social competence
    1. Motivation
    1. Social skills
    2. Family support
  3. Teaching differs from training and conditioning in so far as it promotes
    1. Critical thinking
  4. Those features of key behaviors which are contribute to the effectiveness of teaching
    1. Lesson clarity which implies making ideas clear to the learner
    2. Teacher-task orientation with a focus on outcomes of the unit clearly defined
    3. Engagement in the learning process which implies the amount of time students devote to learning.
  5. Assertion A: It is the responsibility of the teacher to make students active listeners with the help of different interactive techniques
    1. Reason R:In teacher-centric communication, students tend to become passive listeners
    2. In light of the above statements,
      1. A is false but R is true


  1. From the list given those features which relate to an approach to teaching and learning in indirect strategies of teaching
    1. engagement in an inquiry process
    2. concept based content presentation
    3. encouraging students to use references from their own experience
  2. For use during teaching, from the list given below identify questions that are ‘process type’ rather than ‘ content type’
    1. divergent questions
    2. concept based questions
    3. higher order questions
  3. A: Systems of education which are place specific, time specific and person specific are said to  be formal and are created by laid down law and procedures
    1. R: Open universities and open schools are the example of a formal system of education because they are created  by laid down procedures
    2. A is true R is false


  1. A teacher uses a question-answer session to ensure desired learning outcomes in his/her classroom. In this process, he/she offers the following type of comment to a few answers given by a student
    1. “Yes,you are right good”
      1. It is considered as an example – 
        1. Positive feedback
  2. In the cognitive domain of teaching -learning objectives, those which is categorized as a higher type of learning outcomes
    1. analysis of conceptual elements
    2. synthesis involving the creative organisation of ideas
    3. Evaluation involving judgement using internal or external standards
  3. S-1: Maximum performance tests are designed to assess the upper limits of the examiners knowledge and reality
    1. S-2: Typical response tests are designed to measure specific behaviors and characteristics of examiners
      1. Both s-1 and S-2 are correct
  4. List-1(Behavioral teaching competencies) and list-2(Description)
    1. Instructing – Using methods and activities by the teacher to promote learning
    2. Communicating – transmitting thoughts and ideas verbally and non-verbally.
    3. Managing – Optimizing ‘on task’ and minimizing off task activities
    4. Monitoring – Watching groups, behaviors and pace etc, and reacting quickly
  5. S-1 Evaluation is said to formative when the intention is to identify scope and potential for improvement of teaching – learning system
    1. S-2: The form of such evaluation is informal and has to take place during instruction /teaching
    2. Both A and R true and R is the correct explanation.


  1. If your students are identified as Unable but willing’ in terms of their performance readiness level, the following methods of teaching will be considered appropriate to deal with them?
    1. small step presentations with error free tasks and frequent reinforcement
  2. Identify the list of competencies of teaching which are related to personality and attitude
    1. locus of control
    2. self-efficacy
  3. List-1 ( Assessment and test interpretation methods ) and list-2 (Description)
    1. Formative assessment – The intention in the evaluation is to identify scope for improvement
    2. Summative assessment – Evaluation is in the form of judgement to be used for at-least immediate future
    3. Norm- referenced testing – the test data helps us to determine a student’s rank
    4. Criterion referenced testing – The test data tell us about a students level of proficiency
  4. S-1: ICT based ‘teaching support system’ has the potential to optimize learning outcomes
    1. S-2: Recent research have reported that factors relating to social competence contribute more to learning than mere cognitive intelligence
    2. Both S-1 and S-2 are true.
  5. In which level of teaching there is optimum scope for cognitive interchange requiring analysis and synthesis
    1. Reflective level of teaching


  1. Which learning theory provides support for active participation of learner in the learning process in an interaction setting with intrinsic motivation as the basis
    1. Constructivist theory of vygotsky
  2. While reporting the result of assessment of a college teacher makes use of percentile ranks in place of scores obtained by his/her students. This kind of evaluation is called Norm referenced.
  3. S-1: Programmed instructional material uses active responding and immediate feedback as important principles for learning
    1. S-2: Skinner’s reinforcement principle is the basis for the preparation of linear types of programmed instructional material
    2. Both S-1 and S-2 are true
      1. In the distance education mode the instructional communication is structured and interactive.
  4. The following educational objectives are considered to be of higher level in the affective domain of taxonomic scheme
    1. Characterization
    1. organisation
  5. Describe understanding level teaching
    1. giving a large number of positive and negative examples to explain concepts
    2. helping to promote seeing of relationships among facts
  6. Because of new media learning is no longer an assembly of 
    1. Facts


  1. In which level of teaching the activities of structuring, guiding, and closely supervising the students behavior predominate
    1. Memory level
  2. The ability ‘can do’ component for describing the competence of a teacher
    1. knowledge of the subject being taught
    2. skill in analyzing the learning tasks
    3. experience in handling learning task related situation
  3. When reflective level teaching and learning are successful, students emerge with
    1. an enlarged store of tested insights of a generalized character 
    2. an enhanced ability to develop and solve problems on their own
  4. a model of teaching is a description of 
    1. learning environment including teaching behavior


  1. The view that teaching learning situations may be characterized to fall on a continuum ranging from memory level to reflective level was advanced by Morris.L.Biggie
  2. Which committee/commission recommended the choice based credit system in higher education
    1. Administrative and academic reforms committee of the UGC
  3. A teacher in a particular college assigns percentile ranks to indicate his/her students performance in the unit tests conducted. The type of assessment procedure is called 
    1. Norm-referenced 
  4. The following support materials in learning use the procedures of programmed instructional technology based on skinner and crowd’s principle
    1. Branching programmes based material
    2. Linear programmes based material
  5. Identify the features of understanding level of teaching from the following
    1. It is basically devoted to helping students in seeing of relationship and tool use of a fact
    2. It is aimed at conceptualization of ideas and facts

1st Oct 2020-shift-2:

  1. The assessment procedures conducted during an in-progress teaching -learning session – Formative assessment
  2. S-1: The use of ICT in organizing teaching learning programmes in the universities has the potential to optimize learning outcomes
    1. Formative assessment provides support to enhancing the quality of teaching learning sessions.
    2. Both statements are correct.
  3. Identify those teaching strategies which are learner centered
    1. Cooperative learning
    2. Lab based projects
    3. Pair share discussion
  4. Reflective level teaching is different from memory level teaching because the pattern of communication that is involved in reflective level teaching is basically
    1. Transactional
  5. Identify those features associated with indirect instructional strategies
    1. focus on concept acquisition through question – answer sessions
    2. Problem based presentation
    3. participatory and collaborative moves stressed

9th Oct-shift-1:

  1. An open classroom environment marked by sharing and caring by teachers and students in their interchange will be most helpful for Reflective level
  2. The correct hierarchical sequencing of the following types of learning:
    1. Sign learning
    2. Discrimination learning
    3. Concept learning
    4. Rule learning and
    5. Problem solving learning
  3. The intellectual characteristics in a teacher need nurturing in order to accomplish subjective well-being leading to effectiveness in motivating and inspiring students of college level education
    1. Emotional Intelligence related
  4. S-1: Instructional technology is a network of techniques pressed into service for realizing instructional objectives
    1. S-2: Computer aided instruction can replace the teacher if the goal of education is personality development
    2. S-1 is true but S-2 is false
  5. The characteristics in classroom teaching behavior as given below will be classified as a part of formative assessment
    1. The teacher asks questions to elicit classification from students
    2. The teacher prompts and probes the students while making presentation
    3. the teacher pauses for a few seconds looks at students and asks questions


  1. Key behaviors contributing to effective teaching
    1. Lesson clarity
    2. Instructional variety
    3. Engagement in learning process
  2. In the following the influence is mainly one way
    1. learning
  3. The communication process is active and interactive at a very high level in the reflective level of teaching.
  4. S-1: In order to be effective, teaching and testing must go together
    1. S-2: Feedback does not form an essential component of formative assessment
    2. S-1 is correct but S-2 is incorrect
  5. Maslow’s hierarchy related to higher order learning
    1. Esteem needs and
    2. Needs for self actualization


  1. For optimizing learning outcomes, the factors which have been identified as most effective in-terms of research evidence in the global context
    1. teacher related factors
  2. Hallmark of reflective teaching
    1. clear, organised and well structured content
  3. The correct sequence of cognitive behavior in the taxonomy of educational objectives
    1. knowledge
    2. Understanding
    3. Application
    4. Analysis
    5. Synthesis
  4. S-1: Computer based testing ensures high reliability and validity in the process of evaluation centered on effective and cognitive domains of behavior
    1. S-2: Support materials in the form of programmed instructional models have a tremendous potential in maximizing learning
    2. S-1 is incorrect but S-2 is correct

4th Nov-shift-1:

  1. From the following, identify those characteristics which go within the category ‘ helping behavior’ for becoming an effective strategy:
    1. Structuring
    2. Using student ideas
    3. Probing
  2. The activities of teaching associated with its interactive stage
    1. presenting the content interspersed with questions
    2. Providing feedback and probing if need be
    3. Motivating and monitoring students tasks
  3. In Gagne’s hierarchy of learning which type of learning immediately precedes ‘rule learning’
    1. Concept learning
      1. Sign learning
      2. Sign-response learning
      3. Chain learning
      4. Discriminant learning
      5. Concept learning
      6. Rue learning
      7. Probem solving learning
  4. S-1: The purpose of ICT interventions in classroom teaching is to promote and optimize learning outcomes
    1. S-2: Most of the on-line methods like SWAYAM and MOOC’s etc, have the potential to become effective supplements to conventional teaching-learning systems
      1. Both S-1 and S-2 are correct

4th Nov-shift-2:

  1. In reflective level of teaching uses higher level of cognitive abilities as specified in bloom’s taxonomy
  2. The teaching strategy best suited to deal with students who interms of performance readiness level are in the category of ‘able but unwilling’ will be
    1. Involving in tasks and providing socio-emotional support with scope for recognition
  3. The following are said to be behavioral competencies in an effective teaching – behavior repertoire
    1. planning and teaching
    2. Managing and monitoring
    3. evaluating and providing feedback
  4. A: Teaching learning systems to be effective must be carefully planned, adequately implemented and appropriately evaluated
    1. R: Effectiveness of teaching-learning systems is a pre-requisite for all levels of education
      1. Both A and R true and correct explanation


  1. The focus of concern in understanding level of teaching
    1. Promotion of scope for seeking of relationship among facts and ideas
  2. The following emotional characteristics are of crucial significance in adolescent learning
    1. Hero-worship and sentiments
  3. During teaching when a teacher uses process questions the following types have dominance
    1. Higher order questions
    2. Indirect questions
    3. Concept based questions
  4. S-1: Tutorials, group discussion, and question-answer sessions are dialogic and are part of direct teaching methods
    1. S-2: Project work, Laboratory work, simulation, and role playing are action based and are part of indirect teaching methods
    2. Both s-1 and S-2 are correct


  1. If teaching is viewed as a continuum the following modality involves active ‘give’ and ‘take’ between the teacher and learner
    1. Instruction
  2. The correct sequence from lower to higher for indicating learning outcomes related to affective domain
    1. Receiving
    2. Responding
    3. valuing
    4. Organisation and 
    5. Characterization
  3. S-1: Ability of an individual or group implies the components of knowledge, skill and experience
    1. S-2: Willingness of an individual or group implies the components of confidence, commitment and motivation
    2. Both S-1 and S-2 are correct
  4. List-1(management functions to be performed by a teacher ) and list-2 (description)
    1. Planning – It involves setting goals and objectives
    2. Organizing – It involves bringing together of people and resources
    3. Motivating – It involves engagement in task related activities
    4. Controlling – It involves feedback of results and follow upto compare accomplishment
  5. A: The use of ICT has a great potential for optimizing learning outcomes
    1. R: ICT promotes scope for variety, flexibility and attractiveness
    2. Both A and R true and correct explanation


  1. The goal of teaching as compared to training is to provide opportunity of
    1. sharing and caring leading to critical and creative reflection
  2. In Gagne’s ‘Learning hierarchy’ the learning types immediately precedes concept learning
    1. Discrimination learning
  3. There is abundant scope for promoting concept learning under which stage of development of learner
    1. During adolescence
  4. S-1: Use of programmed instructional material as supplement has the potential to optimize learning outcomes
    1. S2: ICT if used judiciously will render teaching -learning systems effective and efficient
    2. Both S-1 and S-2 are correct
  5. A: For ensuring successful teaching-learning systems both Norm reference Testing and criterion reference testing procedures for interpretation of scores have to be synthesized
    1. R: Parents and educational administrators along with the students themselves need to know the status of accomplishments interms of laid down criteria and relative positions of the participants vis-a-vis that of others
    2. Both A and R true and correct explanation.


  1. The following teacher competency belongs to the domain of personality and attitude?
    1. locus of control and self-efficacy
  2. Identify the teaching strategies which are employed during indirect instruction
    1. Emphasizing direct and indirect exemplars
    2. Inquiry based question- answer session
    3. Promoting problem solving approach
  3. In memory level of teaching the teacher’s role is active rather than being interactive
  4. S-1: Indirect instruction is an approach to teaching and learning in which the process is inquiry, the content involves concept and the context is a problem
    1. S-2: In NRT(Norm Reference Test) test data tell us about a student’s level of proficiency in mastery of some skills or set of skills
      1. S-1 is incorrect but S-2 is correct


  1. Assertion (A): Depending upon the classroom situation, some media of communication are more effective than others.
    1. Reason (R): Selection of a medium is directly related to the nature of the message for students.
    2. Both A) and R) are true and R) is the correct explanation of A).
  2. When the ‘test data’ tell us about a student’s level of proficiency in a defined area, the procedure of evaluation is called Criterion-referenced testing.
  3. Which of the given learner characteristics are associated with field dependent (holistic/visual) learning style?
    1. Relating concepts to personal experience
    2. Preferring to cooperate rather than compete
    3. Perceiving global aspects of concepts and materials.
  4. The modality of ‘teaching’ has to be differentiated from ‘training’ or ‘instructing’ in terms of which of the following learning outcomes?
    1. Critical and creative thinking
  5. Which of the following is indicative of innovations in evaluation system at present?
    1. Choice based credit system
  6. Which of the following potential factors affecting teaching are related to instructional facilities and learning environment?
    1. Proactive moves in the interactive processes – The scope for sharing and open discussions within the classroom and the institution creates a positive learning environment.
    2. Non availability of textbooks/reading materials to use.
    3. Availability of smart classes
  7. Rubrics is best suited for assessment of social skills.


  1. Identify those which are related to characteristics and basic requirements of teaching at the understanding level
    1. teaching becomes an activity to promote seeing of relationships among facts and information
    2. the teacher expects that student will be able to translate and interpret the meanings in their own words
    3. the teacher gives a large number of examples to being home the main ideas
  2. Set-1 (learner’s characteristic and set-2 (Description)
    1. Academic characteristics – Learner selects different themes in his/her course when needed
    2. Social characteristics – learner works as team  member of the peers
    3. Emotional characteristics – learner starts respecting the individual differences evident in likes and dislikes of members of his class
    4. Cognitive characteristics – learner encodes and decodes relevant messages correctly
  3. Learner related factors in determining effectiveness of teaching
    1. task relevant competencies of learner
    2. Composition of the classroom
  4. For organizing effective teaching-learning systems in colleges the following instructional strategies is considered appropriate
    1. attitude teaching in terms of can do/will do analysis in respect o students readiness levels
    2. Diversifying teaching methods in-terms of learners needs
    3. involving students , giving responsibility and recognizing the accomplishments.


  1. Identify the characteristics and basic requirements of reflective level teaching
    1. Issues are raised and discussed with a view to shift the potential rational solution of problems
    2. academic sessions are conducted in a dialogic mode to explore and explain the basis of argument
  2. Key behavior of effective teaching
    1. making ideas clearer to learners who may be at different levels of understanding
  3. Strategies of teaching which are learner centered
    1. cybernetics
    2. practical task based project
  4. The development of teaching support system in Indian higher education system
    1. Aural-oral, Visual, Audio-visual, and ICT based
  5. In an evaluation system evaluation occurs informally during instructions
    1. Formative evaluation


  1. The statements that describe the most critical features of effectiveness of teaching?
    1. to be effective in teaching requires the orchestration and integration of key and helping behaviour
    2. effective teachers function as able facilitators and guides for students knowledge building process
    3. though effective teaching students can be taught to become agents of their own learning
  2. Organizing teaching at understanding level
    1. giving large number of positive and negative examples of facts and concepts being presented
    2. conducting discussions to examine the pros and cons of an issue
    3. providing opportunity to students to give their own interpretation of facts presented
  3. A student finds it difficult to understand, analyse and interpret the concepts and principles relating to a subject of study formally prescribed. The learner characteristics most relevant to be probed
    1. Cognitive characteristics
  4. Characteristics of field dependent learners
    1. Personalized curriculum
    2. seeks guidance and demonstrates from teachers
    3. likes to cooperate
  5. In MOOC s method of teaching ICT support is implied.
NET previous year question papers
NTA NET paper 1