CTET February 2014:
Child Development and Pedagogy:
- The figures that correctly represents the development according to Piaget’s developmental theory
- Development along Y-axis and Age along x-axis represented in bar graph – Discontinuous.
- A teacher found that a student is facing difficulty in drawing a square. He/She assumes that this would also find it difficult to draw a diamond. He/She applies to the principle to arrive at his/her assumption
- Development tends to follow an orderly sequence.
- The following statement is true regarding the role of heredity and environment in human development
- The relative effects of heredity and environment vary in different areas of development.
- In the context of socialization, schools often have a hidden curriculum which consists of
- the informal cues about social roles presented in schools through interaction and materials.
- The following implications cannot be derived from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development – Need of verbal teaching
- Others include
- discovery learning
- acceptance of individual difference
- sensitivity to children’s readiness to learn
- Others include
- The characteristics of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
- The universal sequence of stages across all cultures
- Teachers and students draw on one another’s expertise while working on complex projects related to real-world problems in a social constructivist classroom.
- In the context of progressive education, the term ‘equal educational opportunity’ implies that all students should be provided an education that is most appropriate to them and their future life at work.
- Learning by doing – John Dewey.
- In the context of language development, the areas underestimated by Jean Piaget – social interaction.
- An eleven-year-old child’s score on Stanford-Binet (Father of intelligence). The intelligence scale is 130, by assuming mu=100 and sigma (S.D) =15 in a normal probability curve, calculate the percentage of 11-year-old children this child has scored better than 98%.
- The following observation supports Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence – damage to one part of the brain affects only a particular ability sparing others.
- The statement which is true about ability and ability grouping –
- teachers may use multilevel teaching to cater to different ability groups.
- The true statements are the formative assessment summarize the development of learners during a time interval.
- A teacher asks his /her students to draw a concept map to reflect their comprehension of a topic. He/she is Conducting the formative assessment.
- The one which represents the domain ‘evaluating’ in the blooms revised taxonomy – Judging the logical consistency of a solution.
- Teachers must believe in which of the following values in the context of dealing with disadvantaged learners’ personal accountability for student’s access.
- Stuttering problems in students can be dealt, by applying the following methods – prolonged speech
- In the context of learning disabled children, providing immediate connections, stressing collaboration and leveraging non-learning technologies such as instant messaging, intelligent search, and content management are associated with the following designs – embedded learning
Inclusive education and children with special needs:
- An inclusive classroom is where teachers create diverse and meaningful learning experiences for every learner.
- Learning disabilities are also present in children with average or above avg IQ.
- The best way to deal with an inattentive child in the classroom – Make the children sit in the most distraction reduced area
- The govt of India has started a midday meal scheme for the elementary schools. The following theories of motivation that support this schemes humanistic.
Learning and Pedagogy:
- An appropriate assignment for a gifted student – create a prototype of a new science book based on different themes
- Many measures have been taken at an institutional level to check the drop out cases in the schools run by government agencies. An institutional reason for children dropping out of these schools
- There is no alternative curriculum for children who reject the compulsory curriculum offered.
- Problem-solving is more likely to succeed in schools where a flexible curriculum is in place
- Cognitive apprenticeships and instructional conversations – conceive learning as a social activity
- A right way for a teacher who intends to correct errors of his/her students – He/she should correct errors that interfere with the general meaning and understandability.
- The skills which are involved in emotional intelligence – except criticism as emotions
- awareness of emotions
- management of emotions
- amicable relations with class fellows
- While appearing in an assessment Devika finds her arousal as energizing, whereas Rajesh finds his arousal as discouraging. Their emotional experience is most likely to differ with respect to the level of adaptation.
- Attaching importance to the home setting of students for understanding children’s behavior and using this information for building effective pedagogy is related to which of the following theories of learning
- ecological
CTET September-2014:
Child Development and Pedagogy:
- A class 7 student makes errors in mathematics. As a teacher, you would
- ask the student to use the alternative method or redo it to find out errors on his/her own.
- To explain, predict and /or control phenomena are the goals of the scientific method.
- According to the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky culture and language play a crucial role in development.
- The knowledge of individual differences helps teachers in assessing the individual needs of all students and teaching them accordingly.
- The criterion of gender parity in society is a comparison of a number of boys and girls who survive up to class 12.
- The following approaches suggest the interaction of the child with the people around him and with social institutions to deal with disruptive behavior disorder – ecological.
- A process in the social observational learning theory of bandura – retention.
- A developmental perspective of teaching demands teachers to adapt instructional strategies based on the knowledge of developmental factors.
- The theory of social learning emphasizes on factors like nurture.
- Retrieving hidden objects is evidence that infants have begun to master the cognitive functions namely Object-permanence.
- Senses the objects – sensorimotor stage.
- Progressive education is associated with knowledge is generated through direct experience and collaboration.
- As a teacher, you firmly believe in ‘saying no to ragging and bullying’ and put up posters and form committees in schools. The young adolescents who join you with strong beliefs are at the stage of the post-conventional level.
- The fact that children require culturally relevant knowledge and skills are attributed to Lev Vygotsky.
Inclusive education and children with special needs:
- The most appropriate method to monitor the progress of children with learning disabilities – Structured behavioral observation.
- The best way to increase the chances of learning disabled students to lead a full and productive life is by – teaching a variety of skills and strategies that can be applied across a range of contexts.
- By placing students in the least restricted school environment, the school sensitizes other children not to bully or to put the disadvantaged children down
- Reducing the time allotted to complete an assignment to make it coincide with the time of attention and increasing this time in a phased manner will be best suited to deal with – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder –ADHD.
Learning and Pedagogy:
- Learners cannot learn unless they are prepared to learn.
- School-based assessments – improve learning by providing constructive feedback.
- Assessment for learning – fosters motivation.
- In the context of motivation cycle
- Need, Drive, Arousal, goal-directed behavior, achievement, reduction of arousal.
- Renzulli is known for his three circle definition of giftedness.
- For gifted students, the teacher should adapt as the student changes.
- Emotional intelligence may be associated with which domain of theory of multiple intelligence – Intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence
- Psychosocial theory emphasis on Industry vs inferiority stage.
- The facts that have been least discussed in the psychology of emotion, emotions may not only occur within individual students but also within the entire class.
- Rajesh is struggling to solve the problem of mathematics completely. The inner force compelling him to search for a way to solve it completely is known as Motive.
- The factor ‘g’ in the spearman definition of intelligence stands for general intelligence.
- g factor is a construct developed in psychometric investigation of cognitive abilities. It is proposed by Charles Spearman.
- In the context of ‘theory of multiple intelligences,’ it is required for an airforce pilot kinesthetic intelligence.
- Students in a class are asked to assemble various artifacts of their work in a notebook to demonstrate what they can do for their society. This kind of activity is a portfolio assessment.
CTET February 2015 :
Child Development and Pedagogy:
- The statement which best summarises the relationship between development and learning as proposed by Vygotsky – Development process lags behind the learning process.
- A major criticism of Kohlberg’s theory – Kohlberg did not account for cultural differences in moral reasoning of men and women.
- In a learner-centered classroom, the teacher would employ such methods where learners are encouraged to take initiative for their own learning.
- According to Gardner‘s theory of multiple intelligence, the factor that would contribute most to being a self-aware individual would be Intrapersonal.
- A major difference between the perspectives of Vygotsky and Piaget pertains to the role of providing a nurturing environment to children.
- A lot of debate surrounds whether girls and boys have specific sets of abilities due to their genetic materials. In this context
- girls are socialized to be caring while boys are discouraged to show emotions such as crying.
- To agree with the statements – Learning takes place in a socio-cultural context.
- A principle of child development – development occurs due to interaction between maturation and experience.
- In the context of the nature-nurture debate, The statement which is appropriate is heredity and environment are inseparably interwoven and both influence development.
- Socialization is a process of acquiring values, beliefs, and expectations.
- Piaget proposes that pre-operational children are unable to conserve. He attributes this inability to Irreversibility of thought.
- According to Piaget’s theory, children learn by the process of adaptation.
- According to Vygotsky zone of proximal development is the gap between what the child can do independently and with assistance
- A teacher in a multicultural classroom would ensure that the assessment considers the following the socio-cultural context of her students
- An upper primary school constructivist classroom would foresee the following role of students in their own assessment students would plan for assessment with teachers.
- Best describes children to encourage to ask questions Questions take learning forward by interactions and lead to conceptual clarity.
Inclusive Education:
- The rationale behind inclusive education is that society is heterogeneous and schools need to be inclusive to cater to a heterogeneous society.
- Which one of the following is the most effective way to identify a creative child by the teacher detailed observation of a child especially when she solves a problem.
- A teacher can effectively respond to the needs of children from ‘disadvantaged sections‘ of society by
- reflecting on the school system and herself about various ways in which biases and stereotypes face.
- Research has pointed out that several levels of discrimination exist in schools. Not an example of discrimination at upper primary level – Many teachers use only the lecture method to teach. But it includes
- Dalit children made to sit separately
- Girls are not encouraged to take up maths and science
- Teachers have low expectations of children from lower socio-economic strata
- Characteristics of a child with learning disability
- difficulty in reading fluently and reversing words – dyslexia.
Learning and Pedagogy:
- A teacher wants to ensure that her students are motivated intrinsically. She would – Focus on the processes of learning of individual children rather on the final outcome.
- Failure of a child to perform well in class tests leads us to believe that there is a need to reflect upon the syllabus, pedagogy, and assessment process.
- There are a few children in your class who make errors. The most likely analysis of the situation is the children have not yet gained conceptual clarity and there is a need to reflect in the pedagogy.
- A student highlights the main points in a chapter, draws a visual representation and poses questions that arise in her mind at the end of the chapter. She is trying to regulate her own thinking by the organisation of ideas.
- How can a teacher help children become better problem solvers – By giving children a variety of problem to solve and support while solving them.
- The assessment practice which brings best to students when conceptual change and students’ alternative solutions are assessed through several different methods of assessment.
- The amount and type of scaffolding to a child would change depending on the level of the child’s performance.
- As an upper primary school mathematics teacher, you believe that students’ errors provide insights into their thinking.
- The statement to be agreed upon – a child’s failure is a reflection on the system and it’s the inability to respond to the child.
CTET September-2015:
Child Development and Pedagogy:
- Do children acquire language because they are genetically predisposed to do so or because parents intensively teach them from an early age?
- Nature vs nurture debate
- Development of the capacity for abstract scientific thinking is a characteristic of the formal operational stage.
- A child reasons you do this for me and I will do that for you’. In which stage of Kohlberg‘s moral reasoning would this child fall, good boy good girl orientation.
- Progressive education – (By john Dewey) – lays strong emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking.
- Questions encouraging students to voice their individual opinions on issues and reflections while giving reasons for the same, to promote analytical and critical thinking
- The statements that best sums up the relationship between development and learning – Learning and development are interrelated in a complex manner- as cognition and emotion are. (proposed by Vygotsky).
- Not a principle of development – development is governed and determined by culture alone
- But other principles include – Development is life-long,
- Development is influenced by both heredity and environment,
- Development is modifiable.
- A key feature of a child-centered classroom is that in which the students with the teacher’s guidance are made responsible for constructing their own understanding.
- The most appropriate about intelligence – Intelligence is multi-dimensional having several aspects to it.
- Gender bias refers to – differential treatment of boys and girls based on expectations due to cultural attitudes.
- As an upper primary school teacher, you have quite a few children who are ‘first generation school-goers’ in your classroom. – provide scaffolding other kinds of support during classroom activities and for homework.
- Even children of the same age vary greatly in appearance, abilities, temperament, interests, aptitude among other things, Role of the school in this regard – ensure that each child gets opportunities to develop as per her potential – Individual difference
- To help children in your class to make changes in their concepts – by giving children an opportunity to express their own understanding of the concepts.
- A certificate is given to children when they read a specific number of books. In the long run, this strategy might not work since this might lead to children reading only for getting the certificates
- Role of a teacher in a class is to provide authentic learning situations and facilitate independent thinking in students.
- The most appropriate about children’s making errors – children’s errors are a window into how they think
- Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process because assessment helps the teacher to understand children’s learning and serves as a feedback for her own teaching.
- The curriculum must enable children to find their voices, nurture their curiosity to do things, to ask questions and to pursue investigations, sharing and integrating their experience with school knowledge – rather than their ability to reproduce textual knowledge, NCF, 2005 Primary role of the teacher against this backdrop is to give plenty of opportunities to children to share their own understanding and knowledge.
- To encourage children to put in efforts in their studies teachers need to motivate the child.
- In the context of emotions, learning and motivation is most appropriate emotions are inextricably intertwined with motivation and learning.
- MCQ’s (closed-ended question) assess the child’s ability to recognize the correct answer.
- Process of socialization does not include genetic transmission
- But it includes learning the customs and norms of the culture
- acquisition of skills
- acquiring values and beliefs
- What term/phrase does Piaget use for ‘mental structures which are the building blocks of thinking – schemas.
Inclusive education and children with special needs:
- A teacher’s important role in an inclusive classroom is to ensure that every child gets an opportunity to realize her potential.
- What is creativity? – ability to identify or prepare original and divergent solutions to the problems.
- A lot of children in India especially girls do household chores before coming to school after going back from school. What do you think a teacher should do regarding homework in this context?
- the teacher should give homework that connects the learning at school to the children’s lives at home.
- Children with learning disabilities – have confusion between letters and alphabets look like.
Learning and Pedagogy:
- In an effective classroom, the children look up to the teacher for guidance and support to facilitate their learning.
- Presenting disconnected chunks of knowledge would – make it difficult for learners to gain a conceptual understanding.

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