From SQL to tableau:
Inorder to unions or append or consolidate the data:
- Number of columns in each sheet same
- All the columns should have the same data type
Note: If the headers are different
Appending data from multiple files tableau gives you path and sheet – as autogenerated fields
Path and sheet for union:
Merge mis-match fields while consolidating data:
Matching pattern Blank:
Joins in tableau:
Joins will allow you to combine the data from different tables/sheets
What are the different types of joins in tableau
1.Inner Join- Matching members from both tables
2.Left Join-all the members from left tables + matching records from right table, non matching values going to be null
3.Right Join-opposite to left join
4.Full(Outer) Join all the member from both the tables
Inner Join
Joins generate nulls and blanks:
Multiple joins:
Joins with different matching fields:
Formula in logical table:
If Data in local system joins, unions are performed but when it’s in tableau server only data blending is possible technique.
Data Blending:
It is a process of joining the data from multiple sources. This concept works with official left join. It is seperate for each and every sheet with a common column.
Enable linking the field:
Region wise sales from two different files:
Revenue by country and Product category:
Creating relationship between tables:
No duplicates in relationship:
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