A parameter is workbook(Scope) variable of string,date,number data type, it is used to replace constant value in Calculation,Filter & Reference line

Below are the Steps to Create a Paramter

1. Create a Paramter of any data type

2. Show Paramter Control

3. Use(with Calculated field, Filter,Refrence Line,Sets)

Integer datatype:

Top productwise quantity:

Sub-category based measures:

Sub-category wise measures:

Sales based dimensions:

Creating parameter:

Create calculated field:

Why do we create a calculated field

Calculated fields enable users to create a new data in columns

Calculatations can be used to:

Segment data Ex Contains functions we can group data /Segment data

Convert field types

Aggregate data

Filter results-Ex Profitable or Non Profitable

Calculate new metrics

Calculations are of 4 types

  1. Row level calculations
  2. Aggregate level Calculations
  3. LOD(Level of Detail)
  4. Table Calculations

Row Level calculations: Calculations takes place in each row which measn more granular and when we use that calculation field in our view it shows sum(Calculated field)

Aggregagte/Group Calculations:Aggregate level calculations are nothing but they will take a group of rows and generating one result.

Boolean datatype:

Date parameter:

Forecast value:
