2nd December Morning Session: Not suitable in the context of e-mail? e-mail is snail mail It includes A letter sent over a computer network To send unsolicited message It includes domain name. Consider the following storage devices in ascending order of… Continue Reading →
Number Series: The number X in the following series: 3,8,18, 38,X,…is 78, 80, 76, 74 3×2=6+2=8 8×2=16+2=18 18×2 =36+2=38 38×2=76+2=78 Missing term in the given series 2,4,6,12,10,36,14,?,18,324 108 The pattern of 1st group – is 2+4 = 6+4 = 10+4… Continue Reading →
The structure of arguments: The following refers to an attribute of every categorical proposition which is determined by whether the proposition affirms or denies class inclusion? quality quantity distribution and comparison In the figure of categorical syllogism quantity and quality… Continue Reading →
Communication: Meaning, Types and characteristics: The concept of proximal development reduced to educational communication was developed by Lev Vygotsky, – According to vygotsky, the area of proximal development refers to the difference between the work that the child can do… Continue Reading →
Research: Meaning, Types and Characteristics In an intervention based on the action research process, the following is the recommended sequence – Plan, Act, Observe and Reflect Participation in action research has great potential for ensuring the Improvement of the professional… Continue Reading →
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