Creating triggers: Before insert trigger: To Create before insert trigger to make sure any new value of Working hours, if it is negative, then it should be inserted as positive. — Create the table create table emp_bit(name varchar(55),occupation varchar (100),working_date… Continue Reading →
Understanding Cardinality: In our data, we have a relationship between country table and sample table using the country field. The country table in the first model have unique values for the respective fields. However, sample table have each value repeating… Continue Reading →
Power Query Editor is a data transformation and cleansing available in power BI. Performing data transformations: Split the columns into seperate columns based on delimiter Unpivot columns: Unpivoted Columns: Replace Value: String data cleaning: Age calculation: Adding conditional column: By… Continue Reading →
Getting started: Load sample financial dataset: Transform data: Web scrapping for World Happiness Report: Previewing to Select data: Tagging geo location: Creating visual Map: GDP per capita in Bubble size: Creating hierarchy for countries: Power query editor: Create relation: Continent… Continue Reading →
Nov-2020 Assertion (A): Concurrent validity coefficients are generally higher than predictive validity coefficient Reason (R) : This does not mean that the test with higher validity coefficient is more suitable for a given purpose Both (A) and (R) are true and (R)… Continue Reading →
Meaning and Scope of Educational Research:– The correct sequence of actions in conducting an intervention-based action research in education, Plan, act, observe and reflect Selection of the problem Formulation of hypothesis Methodology Data collection Analysis and interpretation of data Report of result The… Continue Reading →
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