imD - An Ignorant Mind is a fool's pursuit

Author Prasi

IPL Analysis Dashboard:

KPI’s as DAX measures for winning measures: CALCULATE used to calculate the number of matches.COUNTROWS counts the number of rows essentially counting the total number of matches in the dataset.a condition or filter is applied to checks if the “toss_winner”… Continue Reading →

Windows Functions and Subqueries

To find min and max of quantities ordered: Window functions are a category of SQL functions that allow you to perform calculations across a specific set of rows related to the current row, called the “window.”These functions use the OVER()… Continue Reading →

Tableau dashboard building

Practice: Current Year sales: Previous Year Sales: Formatting profitablity: Steps building Dashboard: 1.First adjust dashboard size as per your requirement2.Ensure Floating selected and drag vertical container, Go to Layout and adjust its x,y and Height and Width3.Click on Tiled, Add… Continue Reading →

Power BI Knowledge

Get data:

Index and Functions:

For primary key and Unique key in a table, index is created automatically. Using indexes appropriately can significantly improve query efficiency for large tables and sorting/grouping operations. Create indexes to increase the performance of query. Like tableau’s context filter that… Continue Reading →


Creating triggers: Before insert trigger: To Create before insert trigger to make sure any new value of Working hours, if it is negative, then it should be inserted as positive. — Create the table create table emp_bit(name varchar(55),occupation varchar (100),working_date… Continue Reading →

Dax functions for sales analysis:

Building Workflow: Interactive dashboard: Sales Analysis: Treemap represents unique number of business segmentFunnel chart gives different model colorsClustered bar chart represents 4 types of customersDonut chart represents sales of different sales year. Common dax functions used in this analysis: Related((custType[subscription]))… Continue Reading →

Advanced Power query:

Understanding Cardinality: In our data, we have a relationship between country table and sample table using the country field. The country table in the first model have unique values for the respective fields. However, sample table have each value repeating… Continue Reading →

Power Query basics:

Power Query Editor is a data transformation and cleansing available in power BI. Performing data transformations: Split the columns into seperate columns based on delimiter Unpivot columns: Unpivoted Columns: Replace Value: String data cleaning: Age calculation: Adding conditional column: By… Continue Reading →

Building Power BI Sales dashboard with custom elements:

Dashboard: Dax expression: Slicer:To exclude row by row in slicer France Sales = calculate(sum(Sales_data[Sales Amount]),                ‘Sales Territory_data'[Country] = “France”, ALL(Sales_data)) Non_france aus sales = CALCULATE(SUM(‘Sales_data'[Sales Amount]),              … Continue Reading →

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