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Tag SQL commands for beginners

Triggers with referential integrity constraint:

Creating triggers: Before insert trigger: To Create before insert trigger to make sure any new value of Working hours, if it is negative, then it should be inserted as positive. — Create the table create table emp_bit(name varchar(55),occupation varchar (100),working_date… Continue Reading →

13. Cursor variables

Step-1: In this stored procedure, we declare a cursor variable cur that retrieves the names and marks columns from the marks table. Step-2: We also declare variables input_name, input_marks, to store the values fetched from the cursor Step-3: Inside the… Continue Reading →


Check the table in cmd: If-elseif-else: Loops: Simple_loop static: Simple loop dynamic: Stored procedure without parameter: Stored procedure with parameter: Local and Session variables: Local parameter: Simple procedure practice:

12. Stored procedure with exception handling

Exception handling: Exception handlers: Continue handler: Exit handler: Single error handler: Multiple errors multiple handlers SQL exception: Control flow Explanation of the code Shipped Status                         Cancelled Status                     On Hold Status Application to identify the fraud: Create procedure for payments table:… Continue Reading →

10. Creating Views

Base table—–> view table—> DML operations(insert, update and delete) Select statement directly from the base tableNot all views are used for insert update and deleteBut updatable only on direct selection from the columnsHide certain columns by selecting a portion of… Continue Reading →

2.SQL DML Commands: A Comprehensive Guide to Data Manipulation

Truncate vs delete: Types of insert: Constraints: 4 types of constraints while creating table: Create a students table with following fields and constraints. Update multiple records: Update exercise: Mode of working Update cmd: Find all employees who were hired after… Continue Reading →

1. Mastering SQL for Beginners:

A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Structured Query Language Setting Up Your MySQL Environment Day:1 – create a database called ‘assignments’ Create the tables and Enter the records Understanding Database Concepts: DDL commands by alter and drop : DML commands: In… Continue Reading →

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